项目作者: eduzen
项目描述 :
Django blog
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/eduzen/website.git
Welcome to my personal Django blog powered by htmx, a modern approach to full-stack development. This project is a blend of several technologies that aim to create a seamless blogging experience.

- Django Backend: The power of Django for the backend ensures stability and scalability.
- htmx: Integrating htmx for a seamless full-stack experience without writing JavaScript.
- ChatGPT API: Using the ChatGPT API for dynamic content creation and engagement.
- GitHub Actions: Continuous integration ensuring code quality and automatic deployments.
- Dockerized: The entire setup is containerized using Docker for consistent development and deployment.
- Static Typing with Mypy: Bringing the power of static typing to Python.
- pip-tools: Ensuring dependencies are managed in a reliable way.
- Pre-commit: Automated checks before commits to ensure code quality.
Getting Started
Ensure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your system.
Setup Environment Variables:
Copy the sample environment file and fill in your credentials:
cp .env.sample .env
Start the Application:
make start
Database Migration:
make migrate
View Logs:
make logs