项目作者: TobiasBengtsson

项目描述 :
Haskell library for calculating with angles in a type-safe manner.
高级语言: Haskell
项目地址: git://github.com/TobiasBengtsson/angle.git
创建时间: 2018-03-14T10:18:50Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License



Allows you to calculate with angles in a type-safe manner in Haskell.


stack build

Run Tests

stack test


import Data.Angle


Create an angle

Create an angle from radians:

radians (2 * pi)

Create an angle from degrees:

degrees 180

Get an angle as a number

Get an angle in radians

getRadians angle

Get an angle in degrees

getDegrees angle

Perform arithmetic operations on angles

Add two angles

angle1 ∠+∠ angle2

Subtract angles

angle1 ∠-∠ angle2

Multiply an angle with a number

angle ∠* n

Divide an angle with a number

angle ∠/ n

Divide two angles (and get a number)

angle1 ∠/∠ angle2

Perform trigonometric operations with angles

sine angle

cosine angle

tangent angle

Inverses gives an angle given a number:

arcsine x

arccosine x

arctangent x

Perform other operations with angles

Normalize an angle to between 0 and 2*pi radians:

normalizeAngle angle