项目作者: igorskh

项目描述 :
Interactive Spectrum Allocation Diagram in Germany
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/igorskh/react-spectrum-allocation-diagram.git

Interactive Spectrum Allocation Diagram


This website is an interactive overview of the spectrum allocation in Germany based on the Bundesnetzagentur document and 3GPP TS for E-UTRA and 5G NR.

Feel free to submit issues and suggestions for improvement in the corresponding GitHub section.

main view

Figure 1 Web application main view

3gpp bands overview

Figure 2 3GPP bands overview for a selected block

measurement result

Figure 3 Live measurement snapshot

Build and run

This website is bootstraped with create-react-app.

In order to run project:

  1. npm start

To create a production build:

  1. npm build