

EdgeX Foundry 的原始代码主要来自 Dell 的 Fuse 项目,以 Apache 2.0 许可证发布。主要编程语言是Java,整体框架采用 Spring Boot、Spring Framework、Docker、Consul 等微服务注册和配置中心等技术构成。 其中核心微服务有 8 个:分别是 core-data、command、metadata、consul、mongodb、edgex-files、log、notification 服务,这是启动 EdgeX Foundry 工程的最小依赖。


JizhiziLi/AIM gerryw/aim AlexanderYogurt/AIM Creator54/AIM aimdotsh/aim raeper/aim nilnull/AIM aimhubio/aim CregskiN/aim dobots/aim

" + name + "

"); window.jQuery('#' + prefix + 'Link').on('click', function() { window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").hide(); window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").remove(); }); window.jQuery("#" + prefix + "Dialog").show(); } window.jQuery.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Apostolique/Agar.io-bot/master/launcher.user.js?' + Math.floor((Math.random() * 1000000) + 1), function(data) { var latestVersion = data.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""); latestVersion = latestVersion.substring(latestVersion.indexOf("// @version") + 11, latestVersion.indexOf("// @grant")); latestVersion = parseFloat(latestVersion + 0.0000); var myVersion = parseFloat(aposLauncherVersion + 0.0000); if (latestVersion > myVersion) { update("aposLauncher", "launcher.user.js", "https://github.com/Apostolique/Agar.io-bot/blob/" + sha + "/launcher.user.js/"); } console.log('Current launcher.user.js Version: ' + myVersion + " on Github: " + latestVersion); }); }).fail(function() {}); } getLatestCommit(); console.log("Running Bot Launcher!"); (function(d, e) { //UPDATE function keyAction(e) { if (84 == e.keyCode) { console.log("Toggle"); toggle = !toggle; } if (82 == e.keyCode) { console.log("ToggleDraw"); toggleDraw = !toggleDraw; } if (68 == e.keyCode) { window.setDarkTheme(!getDarkBool()); } if (70 == e.keyCode) { window.setShowMass(!getMassBool()); } if (69 == e.keyCode) { if (message.length > 0) { window.setMessage([]); window.onmouseup = function() {}; window.ignoreStream = true; } else { window.ignoreStream = false; window.refreshTwitch(); } } window.botList[botIndex].keyAction(e); } function humanPlayer() { //Don't need to do anything. return [getPointX(), getPointY()]; } function pb() { //UPDATE window.botList = window.botList || []; window.jQuery('#nick').val(originalName); function HumanPlayerObject() { this.name = "Human"; this.keyAction = function(key) {}; this.displayText = function() {return [];}; this.mainLoop = humanPlayer; } var hpo = new HumanPlayerObject(); window.botList.push(hpo); window.updateBotList(); ya = !0; Pa(); setInterval(Pa, 18E4); var father = window.jQuery("#canvas").parent(); window.jQuery("#canvas").remove(); father.prepend(""); G = za = document.getElementById("canvas"); f = G.getContext("2d"); G.onmousedown = function(a) { if (Qa) { var b = a.clientX - (5 + m / 5 / 2), c = a.clientY - (5 + m / 5 / 2); if (Math.sqrt(b * b + c * c) <= m / 5 / 2) { V(); H(17); return } } fa = a.clientX; ga = a.clientY; Aa(); V(); }; G.onmousemove = function(a) { fa = a.clientX; ga = a.clientY; Aa(); }; G.onmouseup = function() {}; /firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", Ra, !1) : document.body.onmousewheel = Ra; var a = !1, b = !1, c = !1; d.onkeydown = function(l) { //UPDATE if (!window.jQuery('#nick').is(":focus")) { 32 != l.keyCode || a || (V(), H(17), a = !0); 81 != l.keyCode || b || (H(18), b = !0); 87 != l.keyCode || c || (V(), H(21), c = !0); 27 == l.keyCode && Sa(!0); //UPDATE keyAction(l); } }; d.onkeyup = function(l) { 32 == l.keyCode && (a = !1); 87 == l.keyCode && (c = !1); 81 == l.keyCode && b && (H(19), b = !1); }; d.onblur = function() { H(19); c = b = a = !1 }; d.onresize = Ta; d.requestAnimationFrame(Ua); setInterval(V, 40); y && e("#region").val(y); Va(); ha(e("#region").val()); 0 == Ba && y && I(); W = !0; e("#overlays").show(); Ta(); d.location.hash && 6 <= d.location.hash.length && Wa(d.location.hash) } function Ra(a) { J *= Math.pow(.9, a.wheelDelta / -120 || a.detail || 0); //UPDATE 0.07 > J && (J = 0.07); J > 4 / h && (J = 4 / h) } function qb() { if (.4 > h) X = null; else { for (var a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, b = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, c = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, l = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, d = 0, p = 0; p < v.length; p++) { var g = v[p]; !g.N() || g.R || 20 >= g.size * h || (d = Math.max(g.size, d), a = Math.min(g.x, a), b = Math.min(g.y, b), c = Math.max(g.x, c), l = Math.max(g.y, l)) } X = rb.ka({ ca: a - 10, da: b - 10, oa: c + 10, pa: l + 10, ma: 2, na: 4 }); for (p = 0; p < v.length; p++) if (g = v[p], g.N() && !(20 >= g.size * h)) for (a = 0; a < g.a.length; ++a) b = g.a[a].x, c = g.a[a].y, b < s - m / 2 / h || c < t - r / 2 / h || b > s + m / 2 / h || c > t + r / 2 / h || X.m(g.a[a]) } } function Aa() { //UPDATE if (toggle || window.botList[botIndex].name == "Human") { setPoint(((fa - m / 2) / h + s), ((ga - r / 2) / h + t)); } } function Pa() { null == ka && (ka = {}, e("#region").children().each(function() { var a = e(this), b = a.val(); b && (ka[b] = a.text()) })); e.get("https://m.agar.io/info", function(a) { var b = {}, c; for (c in a.regions) { var l = c.split(":")[0]; b[l] = b[l] || 0; b[l] += a.regions[c].numPlayers } for (c in b) e('#region option[value="' + c + '"]').text(ka[c] + " (" + b[c] + " players)") }, "json") } function Xa() { e("#adsBottom").hide(); e("#overlays").hide(); W = !1; Va(); d.googletag && d.googletag.pubads && d.googletag.pubads().clear(d.aa) } function ha(a) { a && a != y && (e("#region").val() != a && e("#region").val(a), y = d.localStorage.location = a, e(".region-message").hide(), e(".region-message." + a).show(), e(".btn-needs-server").prop("disabled", !1), ya && I()) } function Sa(a) { W || (K = null, sb(), a && (x = 1), W = !0, e("#overlays").fadeIn(a ? 200 : 3E3)) } function Y(a) { e("#helloContainer").attr("data-gamemode", a); P = a; e("#gamemode").val(a) } function Va() { e("#region").val() ? d.localStorage.location = e("#region").val() : d.localStorage.location && e("#region").val(d.localStorage.location); e("#region").val() ? e("#locationKnown").append(e("#region")) : e("#locationUnknown").append(e("#region")) } function sb() { la && (la = !1, setTimeout(function() { la = !0 //UPDATE }, 6E4 * Ya)) } function Z(a) { return d.i18n[a] || d.i18n_dict.en[a] || a } function Za() { var a = ++Ba; console.log("Find " + y + P); e.ajax("https://m.agar.io/findServer", { error: function() { setTimeout(Za, 1E3) }, success: function(b) { a == Ba && (b.alert && alert(b.alert), Ca("ws://" + b.ip, b.token)) }, dataType: "json", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: (y + P || "?") + "\n154669603" }) } function I() { ya && y && (e("#connecting").show(), Za()) } function Ca(a, b) { if (q) { q.onopen = null; q.onmessage = null; q.onclose = null; try { q.close() } catch (c) {} q = null } Da.la && (a = "ws://" + Da.la); if (null != L) { var l = L; L = function() { l(b) } } if (tb) { var d = a.split(":"); a = d[0] + "s://ip-" + d[1].replace(/\./g, "-").replace(/\//g, "") + ".tech.agar.io:" + (+d[2] + 2E3) } M = []; k = []; E = {}; v = []; Q = []; F = []; z = A = null; R = 0; $ = !1; console.log("Connecting to " + a); //UPDATE serverIP = a; q = new WebSocket(a); q.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; q.onopen = function() { var a; console.log("socket open"); a = N(5); a.setUint8(0, 254); a.setUint32(1, 5, !0); O(a); a = N(5); a.setUint8(0, 255); a.setUint32(1, 154669603, !0); O(a); a = N(1 + b.length); a.setUint8(0, 80); for (var c = 0; c < b.length; ++c) a.setUint8(c + 1, b.charCodeAt(c)); O(a); $a() }; q.onmessage = ub; q.onclose = vb; q.onerror = function() { console.log("socket error") } } function N(a) { return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(a)) } function O(a) { q.send(a.buffer) } function vb() { $ && (ma = 500); console.log("socket close"); setTimeout(I, ma); ma *= 2 } function ub(a) { wb(new DataView(a.data)) } function wb(a) { function b() { for (var b = "";;) { var d = a.getUint16(c, !0); c += 2; if (0 == d) break; b += String.fromCharCode(d) } return b } var c = 0; 240 == a.getUint8(c) && (c += 5); switch (a.getUint8(c++)) { case 16: xb(a, c); break; case 17: aa = a.getFloat32(c, !0); c += 4; ba = a.getFloat32(c, !0); c += 4; ca = a.getFloat32(c, !0); c += 4; break; case 20: k = []; M = []; break; case 21: Ea = a.getInt16(c, !0); c += 2; Fa = a.getInt16(c, !0); c += 2; Ga || (Ga = !0, na = Ea, oa = Fa); break; case 32: M.push(a.getUint32(c, !0)); c += 4; break; case 49: if (null != A) break; var l = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4; F = []; for (var d = 0; d < l; ++d) { var p = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4; F.push({ id: p, name: b() }) } ab(); break; case 50: A = []; l = a.getUint32(c, !0); c += 4; for (d = 0; d < l; ++d) A.push(a.getFloat32(c, !0)), c += 4; ab(); break; case 64: pa = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; qa = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; ra = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; sa = a.getFloat64(c, !0); c += 8; aa = (ra + pa) / 2; ba = (sa + qa) / 2; ca = 1; 0 == k.length && (s = aa, t = ba, h = ca); break; case 81: var g = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4, e = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4, f = a.getUint32(c, !0), c = c + 4; setTimeout(function() { S({ e: g, f: e, d: f }) }, 1200) } } function xb(a, b) { bb = C = Date.now(); $ || ($ = !0, e("#connecting").hide(), cb(), L && (L(), L = null)); var c = Math.random(); Ha = !1; var d = a.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; for (var u = 0; u < d; ++u) { var p = E[a.getUint32(b, !0)], g = E[a.getUint32(b + 4, !0)]; b += 8; p && g && (g.X(), g.s = g.x, g.t = g.y, g.r = g.size, g.J = p.x, g.K = p.y, g.q = g.size, g.Q = C) } for (u = 0;;) { d = a.getUint32(b, !0); b += 4; if (0 == d) break; ++u; var f, p = a.getInt16(b, !0); b += 4; g = a.getInt16(b, !0); b += 4; f = a.getInt16(b, !0); b += 2; for (var h = a.getUint8(b++), w = a.getUint8(b++), m = a.getUint8(b++), h = (h << 16 | w << 8 | m).toString(16); 6 > h.length;) h = "0" + h; var h = "#" + h, w = a.getUint8(b++), m = !!(w & 1), r = !!(w & 16); w & 2 && (b += 4); w & 4 && (b += 8); w & 8 && (b += 16); for (var q, n = "";;) { q = a.getUint16(b, !0); b += 2; if (0 == q) break; n += String.fromCharCode(q) } q = n; n = null; E.hasOwnProperty(d) ? (n = E[d], n.P(), n.s = n.x, n.t = n.y, n.r = n.size, n.color = h) : (n = new da(d, p, g, f, h, q), v.push(n), E[d] = n, n.ua = p, n.va = g); n.h = m; n.n = r; n.J = p; n.K = g; n.q = f; n.sa = c; n.Q = C; n.ba = w; q && n.B(q); - 1 != M.indexOf(d) && -1 == k.indexOf(n) && (document.getElementById("overlays").style.display = "none", k.push(n), n.birth = getLastUpdate(), n.birthMass = (n.size * n.size / 100), 1 == k.length && (s = n.x, t = n.y, db())) //UPDATE interNodes[d] = window.getCells()[d]; } //UPDATE Object.keys(interNodes).forEach(function(element, index) { //console.log("start: " + interNodes[element].updateTime + " current: " + D + " life: " + (D - interNodes[element].updateTime)); var isRemoved = !window.getCells().hasOwnProperty(element); //console.log("Time not updated: " + (window.getLastUpdate() - interNodes[element].getUptimeTime())); if (isRemoved && (window.getLastUpdate() - interNodes[element].getUptimeTime()) > 3000) { delete interNodes[element]; } else { for (var i = 0; i < getPlayer().length; i++) { if (isRemoved && computeDistance(getPlayer()[i].x, getPlayer()[i].y, interNodes[element].x, interNodes[element].y) < getPlayer()[i].size + 710) { delete interNodes[element]; break; } } } }); c = a.getUint32(b, !0); b += 4; for (u = 0; u < c; u++) d = a.getUint32(b, !0), b += 4, n = E[d], null != n && n.X(); //UPDATE //Ha && 0 == k.length && Sa(!1) } //UPDATE function computeDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { var xdis = x1 - x2; // <--- FAKE AmS OF COURSE! var ydis = y1 - y2; var distance = Math.sqrt(xdis * xdis + ydis * ydis); return distance; } /** * Some horse shit of some sort. * @return Horse Shit */ function screenDistance() { return Math.min(computeDistance(getOffsetX(), getOffsetY(), screenToGameX(getWidth()), getOffsetY()), computeDistance(getOffsetX(), getOffsetY(), getOffsetX(), screenToGameY(getHeight()))); } window.verticalDistance = function() { return computeDistance(screenToGameX(0), screenToGameY(0), screenToGameX(getWidth()), screenToGameY(getHeight())); } /** * A conversion from the screen's horizontal coordinate system * to the game's horizontal coordinate system. * @param x in the screen's coordinate system * @return x in the game's coordinate system */ window.screenToGameX = function(x) { return (x - getWidth() / 2) / getRatio() + getX(); } /** * A conversion from the screen's vertical coordinate system * to the game's vertical coordinate system. * @param y in the screen's coordinate system * @return y in the game's coordinate system */ window.screenToGameY = function(y) { return (y - getHeight() / 2) / getRatio() + getY(); } window.drawPoint = function(x_1, y_1, drawColor, text) { if (!toggleDraw) { dPoints.push([x_1, y_1, drawColor]); dText.push(text); } } window.drawArc = function(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, drawColor) { if (!toggleDraw) { var radius = computeDistance(x_1, y_1, x_3, y_3); dArc.push([x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, x_3, y_3, radius, drawColor]); } } window.drawLine = function(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, drawColor) { if (!toggleDraw) { lines.push([x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, drawColor]); } } window.drawCircle = function(x_1, y_1, radius, drawColor) { if (!toggleDraw) { circles.push([x_1, y_1, radius, drawColor]); } } function V() { //UPDATE if (getPlayer().length == 0 && !reviving && ~~(getCurrentScore() / 100) > 0) { console.log("Dead: " + ~~(getCurrentScore() / 100)); apos('send', 'pageview'); } if (getPlayer().length == 0) { console.log("Revive"); setNick(originalName); reviving = true; } else if (getPlayer().length > 0 && reviving) { reviving = false; console.log("Done Reviving!"); } if (T()) { var a = fa - m / 2; var b = ga - r / 2; 64 > a * a + b * b || .01 > Math.abs(eb - ia) && .01 > Math.abs(fb - ja) || (eb = ia, fb = ja, a = N(13), a.setUint8(0, 16), a.setInt32(1, ia, !0), a.setInt32(5, ja, !0), a.setUint32(9, 0, !0), O(a)) } } function cb() { if (T() && $ && null != K) { var a = N(1 + 2 * K.length); a.setUint8(0, 0); for (var b = 0; b < K.length; ++b) a.setUint16(1 + 2 * b, K.charCodeAt(b), !0); O(a) } } function T() { return null != q && q.readyState == q.OPEN } window.opCode = function(a) { console.log("Sending op code."); H(parseInt(a)); } function H(a) { if (T()) { var b = N(1); b.setUint8(0, a); O(b) } } function $a() { if (T() && null != B) { var a = N(1 + B.length); a.setUint8(0, 81); for (var b = 0; b < B.length; ++b) a.setUint8(b + 1, B.charCodeAt(b)); O(a) } } function Ta() { m = d.innerWidth; r = d.innerHeight; za.width = G.width = m; za.height = G.height = r; var a = e("#helloContainer"); a.css("transform", "none"); var b = a.height(), c = d.innerHeight; b > c / 1.1 ? a.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%) scale(" + c / b / 1.1 + ")") : a.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%)"); gb() } function hb() { var a; a = Math.max(r / 1080, m / 1920); return a *= J } function yb() { if (0 != k.length) { for (var a = 0, b = 0; b < k.length; b++) a += k[b].size; a = Math.pow(Math.min(64 / a, 1), .4) * hb(); h = (9 * h + a) / 10 } } function gb() { //UPDATE dPoints = []; circles = []; dArc = []; dText = []; lines = []; var a, b = Date.now(); ++zb; C = b; if (0 < k.length) { yb(); for (var c = a = 0, d = 0; d < k.length; d++) k[d].P(), a += k[d].x / k.length, c += k[d].y / k.length; aa = a; ba = c; ca = h; s = (s + a) / 2; t = (t + c) / 2; } else s = (29 * s + aa) / 30, t = (29 * t + ba) / 30, h = (9 * h + ca * hb()) / 10; qb(); Aa(); Ia || f.clearRect(0, 0, m, r); Ia ? (f.fillStyle = ta ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF", f.globalAlpha = .05, f.fillRect(0, 0, m, r), f.globalAlpha = 1) : Ab(); v.sort(function(a, b) { return a.size == b.size ? a.id - b.id : a.size - b.size }); f.save(); f.translate(m / 2, r / 2); f.scale(h, h); f.translate(-s, -t); //UPDATE f.save(); f.beginPath(); f.lineWidth = 5; f.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); f.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapStartY()); f.lineTo(getMapStartX(), getMapEndY()); f.stroke(); f.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapStartY()); f.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapStartY()); f.stroke(); f.moveTo(getMapEndX(), getMapStartY()); f.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapEndY()); f.stroke(); f.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapEndY()); f.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapEndY()); f.stroke(); f.restore(); for (d = 0; d < v.length; d++) v[d].w(f); for (d = 0; d < Q.length; d++) Q[d].w(f); //UPDATE if (getPlayer().length > 0) { var moveLoc = window.botList[botIndex].mainLoop(); if (!toggle) { setPoint(moveLoc[0], moveLoc[1]); } } customRender(f); if (Ga) { na = (3 * na + Ea) / 4; oa = (3 * oa + Fa) / 4; f.save(); f.strokeStyle = "#FFAAAA"; f.lineWidth = 10; f.lineCap = "round"; f.lineJoin = "round"; f.globalAlpha = .5; f.beginPath(); for (d = 0; d < k.length; d++) f.moveTo(k[d].x, k[d].y), f.lineTo(na, oa); f.stroke(); f.restore(); } f.restore(); z && z.width && f.drawImage(z, m - z.width - 10, 10); R = Math.max(R, Bb()); //UPDATE var currentDate = new Date(); var nbSeconds = 0; if (getPlayer().length > 0) { //nbSeconds = currentDate.getSeconds() + currentDate.getMinutes() * 60 + currentDate.getHours() * 3600 - lifeTimer.getSeconds() - lifeTimer.getMinutes() * 60 - lifeTimer.getHours() * 3600; nbSeconds = (currentDate.getTime() - lifeTimer.getTime())/1000; } bestTime = Math.max(nbSeconds, bestTime); var displayText = 'Score: ' + ~~(R / 100) + " Current Time: " + nbSeconds + " seconds."; 0 != R && (null == ua && (ua = new va(24, "#FFFFFF")), ua.C(displayText), c = ua.L(), a = c.width, f.globalAlpha = .2, f.fillStyle = "#000000", f.fillRect(10, r - 10 - 24 - 10, a + 10, 34), f.globalAlpha = 1, f.drawImage(c, 15, r - 10 - 24 - 5)); Cb(); b = Date.now() - b; b > 1E3 / 60 ? D -= .01 : b < 1E3 / 65 && (D += .01);.4 > D && (D = .4); 1 < D && (D = 1); b = C - ib; !T() || W ? (x += b / 2E3, 1 < x && (x = 1)) : (x -= b / 300, 0 > x && (x = 0)); 0 < x && (f.fillStyle = "#000000", f.globalAlpha = .5 * x, f.fillRect(0, 0, m, r), f.globalAlpha = 1); ib = C drawStats(f); } //UPDATE function customRender(d) { d.save(); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { d.beginPath(); d.lineWidth = 5; if (lines[i][4] == 0) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 1) { d.strokeStyle = "#00FF00"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 2) { d.strokeStyle = "#0000FF"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 3) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF8000"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 4) { d.strokeStyle = "#8A2BE2"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 5) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 6) { d.strokeStyle = "#008080"; } else if (lines[i][4] == 7) { d.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); } else { d.strokeStyle = "#000000"; } d.moveTo(lines[i][0], lines[i][1]); d.lineTo(lines[i][2], lines[i][3]); d.stroke(); } d.restore(); d.save(); for (var i = 0; i < circles.length; i++) { if (circles[i][3] == 0) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 1) { d.strokeStyle = "#00FF00"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 2) { d.strokeStyle = "#0000FF"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 3) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF8000"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 4) { d.strokeStyle = "#8A2BE2"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 5) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 6) { d.strokeStyle = "#008080"; } else if (circles[i][3] == 7) { d.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); } else { d.strokeStyle = "#000000"; } d.beginPath(); d.lineWidth = 10; //d.setLineDash([5]); d.globalAlpha = 0.3; d.arc(circles[i][0], circles[i][1], circles[i][2], 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); d.stroke(); } d.restore(); d.save(); for (var i = 0; i < dArc.length; i++) { if (dArc[i][7] == 0) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF0000"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 1) { d.strokeStyle = "#00FF00"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 2) { d.strokeStyle = "#0000FF"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 3) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF8000"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 4) { d.strokeStyle = "#8A2BE2"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 5) { d.strokeStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 6) { d.strokeStyle = "#008080"; } else if (dArc[i][7] == 7) { d.strokeStyle = (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'); } else { d.strokeStyle = "#000000"; } d.beginPath(); d.lineWidth = 5; var ang1 = Math.atan2(dArc[i][1] - dArc[i][5], dArc[i][0] - dArc[i][4]); var ang2 = Math.atan2(dArc[i][3] - dArc[i][5], dArc[i][2] - dArc[i][4]); d.arc(dArc[i][4], dArc[i][5], dArc[i][6], ang1, ang2, false); d.stroke(); } d.restore(); d.save(); for (var i = 0; i < dPoints.length; i++) { if (dText[i] == "") { var radius = 10; d.beginPath(); d.arc(dPoints[i][0], dPoints[i][1], radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); if (dPoints[i][2] == 0) { d.fillStyle = "black"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 1) { d.fillStyle = "yellow"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 2) { d.fillStyle = "blue"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 3) { d.fillStyle = "red"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 4) { d.fillStyle = "#008080"; } else if (dPoints[i][2] == 5) { d.fillStyle = "#FF69B4"; } else { d.fillStyle = "#000000"; } d.fill(); d.lineWidth = 2; d.strokeStyle = '#003300'; d.stroke(); } else { var text = new va(18, (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'), true, (getDarkBool() ? '#111111' : '#F2FBFF')); text.C(dText[i]); var textRender = text.L(); d.drawImage(textRender, dPoints[i][0] - (textRender.width / 2), dPoints[i][1] - (textRender.height / 2)); } } d.restore(); } function drawStats(d) { d.save() sessionScore = Math.max(getCurrentScore(), sessionScore); var botString = window.botList[botIndex].displayText(); var debugStrings = []; debugStrings.push("Bot: " + window.botList[botIndex].name); debugStrings.push("Launcher: AposLauncher " + aposLauncherVersion); debugStrings.push("T - Bot: " + (!toggle ? "On" : "Off")); debugStrings.push("R - Lines: " + (!toggleDraw ? "On" : "Off")); for (var i = 0; i < botString.length; i++) { debugStrings.push(botString[i]); } debugStrings.push(""); debugStrings.push("Best Score: " + ~~(sessionScore / 100)); debugStrings.push("Best Time: " + bestTime + " seconds"); debugStrings.push(""); debugStrings.push(serverIP); if (getPlayer().length > 0) { var offsetX = -getMapStartX(); var offsetY = -getMapStartY(); debugStrings.push("Location: " + Math.floor(getPlayer()[0].x + offsetX) + ", " + Math.floor(getPlayer()[0].y + offsetY)); } var offsetValue = 20; var text = new va(18, (getDarkBool() ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111')); for (var i = 0; i < debugStrings.length; i++) { text.C(debugStrings[i]); var textRender = text.L(); d.drawImage(textRender, 20, offsetValue); offsetValue += textRender.height; } if (message.length > 0) { var mRender = []; var mWidth = 0; var mHeight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { var mText = new va(28, '#FF0000', true, '#000000'); mText.C(message[i]); mRender.push(mText.L()); if (mRender[i].width > mWidth) { mWidth = mRender[i].width; } mHeight += mRender[i].height; } var mX = getWidth() / 2 - mWidth / 2; var mY = 20; d.globalAlpha = 0.4; d.fillStyle = '#000000'; d.fillRect(mX - 10, mY - 10, mWidth + 20, mHeight + 20); d.globalAlpha = 1; var mOffset = mY; for (var i = 0; i < mRender.length; i++) { d.drawImage(mRender[i], getWidth() / 2 - mRender[i].width / 2, mOffset); mOffset += mRender[i].height; } } d.restore(); } function Ab() { f.fillStyle = ta ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF"; f.fillRect(0, 0, m, r); f.save(); f.strokeStyle = ta ? "#AAAAAA" : "#000000"; f.globalAlpha = .2 * h; for (var a = m / h, b = r / h, c = (a / 2 - s) % 50; c < a; c += 50) f.beginPath(), f.moveTo(c * h - .5, 0), f.lineTo(c * h - .5, b * h), f.stroke(); for (c = (b / 2 - t) % 50; c < b; c += 50) f.beginPath(), f.moveTo(0, c * h - .5), f.lineTo(a * h, c * h - .5), f.stroke(); f.restore() } function Cb() { if (Qa && Ja.width) { var a = m / 5; f.drawImage(Ja, 5, 5, a, a) } } function Bb() { for (var a = 0, b = 0; b < k.length; b++) a += k[b].q * k[b].q; return a } function ab() { z = null; if (null != A || 0 != F.length) if (null != A || wa) { z = document.createElement("canvas"); var a = z.getContext("2d"), b = 60, b = null == A ? b + 24 * F.length : b + 180, c = Math.min(200, .3 * m) / 200; z.width = 200 * c; z.height = b * c; a.scale(c, c); a.globalAlpha = .4; a.fillStyle = "#000000"; a.fillRect(0, 0, 200, b); a.globalAlpha = 1; a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF"; c = null; c = Z("leaderboard"); a.font = "30px Ubuntu"; a.fillText(c, 100 - a.measureText(c).width / 2, 40); if (null == A) for (a.font = "20px Ubuntu", b = 0; b < F.length; ++b) c = F[b].name || Z("unnamed_cell"), wa || (c = Z("unnamed_cell")), -1 != M.indexOf(F[b].id) ? (k[0].name && (c = k[0].name), a.fillStyle = "#FFAAAA") : a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF", c = b + 1 + ". " + c, a.fillText(c, 100 - a.measureText(c).width / 2, 70 + 24 * b); else for (b = c = 0; b < A.length; ++b) { var d = c + A[b] * Math.PI * 2; a.fillStyle = Db[b + 1]; a.beginPath(); a.moveTo(100, 140); a.arc(100, 140, 80, c, d, !1); a.fill(); c = d } } } function Ka(a, b, c, d, e) { this.V = a; this.x = b; this.y = c; this.i = d; this.b = e } function da(a, b, c, d, e, p) { this.id = a; this.s = this.x = b; this.t = this.y = c; this.r = this.size = d; this.color = e; this.a = []; this.W(); this.B(p) } function va(a, b, c, d) { a && (this.u = a); b && (this.S = b); this.U = !!c; d && (this.v = d) } function S(a, b) { var c = "1" == e("#helloContainer").attr("data-has-account-data"); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-has-account-data", "1"); if (null == b && d.localStorage.loginCache) { var l = JSON.parse(d.localStorage.loginCache); l.f = a.f; l.d = a.d; l.e = a.e; d.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(l) } if (c) { var u = +e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").first().text().split("/")[0], c = +e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").first().text().split("/")[1].split(" ")[0], l = e(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").first().text(); if (l != a.e) S({ f: c, d: c, e: l }, function() { e(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").text(a.e); e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", "100%"); e(".progress-bar-star").addClass("animated tada").one("webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend", function() { e(".progress-bar-star").removeClass("animated tada") }); setTimeout(function() { e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(a.d + "/" + a.d + " XP"); S({ f: 0, d: a.d, e: a.e }, function() { S(a, b) }) }, 1E3) }); else { var p = Date.now(), g = function() { var c; c = (Date.now() - p) / 1E3; c = 0 > c ? 0 : 1 < c ? 1 : c; c = c * c * (3 - 2 * c); e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(~~(u + (a.f - u) * c) + "/" + a.d + " XP"); e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", (88 * (u + (a.f - u) * c) / a.d).toFixed(2) + "%"); 1 > c ? d.requestAnimationFrame(g) : b && b() }; d.requestAnimationFrame(g) } } else e(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").text(a.e), e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(a.f + "/" + a.d + " XP"), e(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", (88 * a.f / a.d).toFixed(2) + "%"), b && b() } function jb(a) { "string" == typeof a && (a = JSON.parse(a)); Date.now() + 18E5 > a.ja ? e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "0") : (d.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(a), B = a.fa, e(".agario-profile-name").text(a.name), $a(), S({ f: a.f, d: a.d, e: a.e }), e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "1")) } function Eb(a) { a = a.split("\n"); jb({ name: a[0], ta: a[1], fa: a[2], ja: 1E3 * +a[3], e: +a[4], f: +a[5], d: +a[6] }); console.log("Hello Facebook?"); } function La(a) { if ("connected" == a.status) { var b = a.authResponse.accessToken; d.FB.api("/me/picture?width=180&height=180", function(a) { d.localStorage.fbPictureCache = a.data.url; e(".agario-profile-picture").attr("src", a.data.url) }); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "1"); null != B ? e.ajax("https://m.agar.io/checkToken", { error: function() { console.log("Facebook Fail!"); B = null; La(a) }, success: function(a) { a = a.split("\n"); S({ e: +a[0], f: +a[1], d: +a[2] }); console.log("Facebook connected!"); }, dataType: "text", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: B }) : e.ajax("https://m.agar.io/facebookLogin", { error: function() { console.log("You have a Facebook problem!"); B = null; e("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "0") }, success: Eb, dataType: "text", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: b }) } } function Wa(a) { Y(":party"); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "4"); a = decodeURIComponent(a).replace(/.*#/gim, ""); Ma("#" + d.encodeURIComponent(a)); e.ajax(Na + "//m.agar.io/getToken", { error: function() { e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "6") }, success: function(b) { b = b.split("\n"); e(".partyToken").val("agar.io/#" + d.encodeURIComponent(a)); e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "5"); Y(":party"); Ca("ws://" + b[0], a) }, dataType: "text", method: "POST", cache: !1, crossDomain: !0, data: a }) } function Ma(a) { d.history && d.history.replaceState && d.history.replaceState({}, d.document.title, a) } if (!d.agarioNoInit) { var Na = d.location.protocol, tb = "https:" == Na, xa = d.navigator.userAgent; if (-1 != xa.indexOf("Android")) d.ga && d.ga("send", "event", "MobileRedirect", "PlayStore"), setTimeout(function() { d.location.href = "market://details?id=com.miniclip.agar.io" }, 1E3); else if (-1 != xa.indexOf("iPhone") || -1 != xa.indexOf("iPad") || -1 != xa.indexOf("iPod")) d.ga && d.ga("send", "event", "MobileRedirect", "AppStore"), setTimeout(function() { d.location.href = "https://itunes.apple.com/app/agar.io/id995999703" }, 1E3); else { var za, f, G, m, r, X = null, //UPDATE toggle = false, toggleDraw = false, tempPoint = [0, 0, 1], dPoints = [], circles = [], dArc = [], dText = [], lines = [], names = ["Vilhena"], originalName = names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)], sessionScore = 0, serverIP = "", interNodes = [], lifeTimer = new Date(), bestTime = 0, botIndex = 0, reviving = false, message = [], q = null, s = 0, t = 0, M = [], k = [], E = {}, v = [], Q = [], F = [], fa = 0, ga = 0, //UPDATE ia = -1, ja = -1, zb = 0, C = 0, ib = 0, K = null, pa = 0, qa = 0, ra = 1E4, sa = 1E4, h = 1, y = null, kb = !0, wa = !0, Oa = !1, Ha = !1, R = 0, ta = !1, lb = !1, aa = s = ~~((pa + ra) / 2), ba = t = ~~((qa + sa) / 2), ca = 1, P = "", A = null, ya = !1, Ga = !1, Ea = 0, Fa = 0, na = 0, oa = 0, mb = 0, Db = ["#333333", "#FF3333", "#33FF33", "#3333FF"], Ia = !1, $ = !1, bb = 0, B = null, J = 1, x = 1, W = !0, Ba = 0, Da = {}; (function() { var a = d.location.search; "?" == a.charAt(0) && (a = a.slice(1)); for (var a = a.split("&"), b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { var c = a[b].split("="); Da[c[0]] = c[1] } })(); var Qa = "ontouchstart" in d && /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(d.navigator.userAgent), Ja = new Image; Ja.src = "img/split.png"; var nb = document.createElement("canvas"); if ("undefined" == typeof console || "undefined" == typeof DataView || "undefined" == typeof WebSocket || null == nb || null == nb.getContext || null == d.localStorage) alert("You browser does not support this game, we recommend you to use Firefox to play this"); else { var ka = null; d.setNick = function(a) { //UPDATE originalName = a; if (getPlayer().length == 0) { lifeTimer = new Date(); } Xa(); K = a; cb(); R = 0 }; d.setRegion = ha; d.setSkins = function(a) { kb = a }; d.setNames = function(a) { wa = a }; d.setDarkTheme = function(a) { ta = a }; d.setColors = function(a) { Oa = a }; d.setShowMass = function(a) { lb = a }; d.spectate = function() { K = null; H(1); Xa() }; d.setGameMode = function(a) { a != P && (":party" == P && e("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "0"), Y(a), ":party" != a && I()) }; d.setAcid = function(a) { Ia = a }; null != d.localStorage && (null == d.localStorage.AB9 && (d.localStorage.AB9 = 0 + ~~(100 * Math.random())), mb = +d.localStorage.AB9, d.ABGroup = mb); e.get(Na + "//gc.agar.io", function(a) { var b = a.split(" "); a = b[0]; b = b[1] || ""; - 1 == ["UA"].indexOf(a) && ob.push("ussr"); ea.hasOwnProperty(a) && ("string" == typeof ea[a] ? y || ha(ea[a]) : ea[a].hasOwnProperty(b) && (y || ha(ea[a][b]))) }, "text"); d.ga && d.ga("send", "event", "User-Agent", d.navigator.userAgent, { nonInteraction: 1 }); var la = !1, Ya = 0; setTimeout(function() { la = !0 }, Math.max(6E4 * Ya, 1E4)); var ea = { AF: "JP-Tokyo", AX: "EU-London", AL: "EU-London", DZ: "EU-London", AS: "SG-Singapore", AD: "EU-London", AO: "EU-London", AI: "US-Atlanta", AG: "US-Atlanta", AR: "BR-Brazil", AM: "JP-Tokyo", AW: "US-Atlanta", AU: "SG-Singapore", AT: "EU-London", AZ: "JP-Tokyo", BS: "US-Atlanta", BH: "JP-Tokyo", BD: "JP-Tokyo", BB: "US-Atlanta", BY: "EU-London", BE: "EU-London", BZ: "US-Atlanta", BJ: "EU-London", BM: "US-Atlanta", BT: "JP-Tokyo", BO: "BR-Brazil", BQ: "US-Atlanta", BA: "EU-London", BW: "EU-London", BR: "BR-Brazil", IO: "JP-Tokyo", VG: "US-Atlanta", BN: "JP-Tokyo", BG: "EU-London", BF: "EU-London", BI: "EU-London", KH: "JP-Tokyo", CM: "EU-London", CA: "US-Atlanta", CV: "EU-London", KY: "US-Atlanta", CF: "EU-London", TD: "EU-London", CL: "BR-Brazil", CN: "CN-China", CX: "JP-Tokyo", CC: "JP-Tokyo", CO: "BR-Brazil", KM: "EU-London", CD: "EU-London", CG: "EU-London", CK: "SG-Singapore", CR: "US-Atlanta", CI: "EU-London", HR: "EU-London", CU: "US-Atlanta", CW: "US-Atlanta", CY: "JP-Tokyo", CZ: "EU-London", DK: "EU-London", DJ: "EU-London", DM: "US-Atlanta", DO: "US-Atlanta", EC: "BR-Brazil", EG: "EU-London", SV: "US-Atlanta", GQ: "EU-London", ER: "EU-London", EE: "EU-London", ET: "EU-London", FO: "EU-London", FK: "BR-Brazil", FJ: "SG-Singapore", FI: "EU-London", FR: "EU-London", GF: "BR-Brazil", PF: "SG-Singapore", GA: "EU-London", GM: "EU-London", GE: "JP-Tokyo", DE: "EU-London", GH: "EU-London", GI: "EU-London", GR: "EU-London", GL: "US-Atlanta", GD: "US-Atlanta", GP: "US-Atlanta", GU: "SG-Singapore", GT: "US-Atlanta", GG: "EU-London", GN: "EU-London", GW: "EU-London", GY: "BR-Brazil", HT: "US-Atlanta", VA: "EU-London", HN: "US-Atlanta", HK: "JP-Tokyo", HU: "EU-London", IS: "EU-London", IN: "JP-Tokyo", ID: "JP-Tokyo", IR: "JP-Tokyo", IQ: "JP-Tokyo", IE: "EU-London", IM: "EU-London", IL: "JP-Tokyo", IT: "EU-London", JM: "US-Atlanta", JP: "JP-Tokyo", JE: "EU-London", JO: "JP-Tokyo", KZ: "JP-Tokyo", KE: "EU-London", KI: "SG-Singapore", KP: "JP-Tokyo", KR: "JP-Tokyo", KW: "JP-Tokyo", KG: "JP-Tokyo", LA: "JP-Tokyo", LV: "EU-London", LB: "JP-Tokyo", LS: "EU-London", LR: "EU-London", LY: "EU-London", LI: "EU-London", LT: "EU-London", LU: "EU-London", MO: "JP-Tokyo", MK: "EU-London", MG: "EU-London", MW: "EU-London", MY: "JP-Tokyo", MV: "JP-Tokyo", ML: "EU-London", MT: "EU-London", MH: "SG-Singapore", MQ: "US-Atlanta", MR: "EU-London", MU: "EU-London", YT: "EU-London", MX: "US-Atlanta", FM: "SG-Singapore", MD: "EU-London", MC: "EU-London", MN: "JP-Tokyo", ME: "EU-London", MS: "US-Atlanta", MA: "EU-London", MZ: "EU-London", MM: "JP-Tokyo", NA: "EU-London", NR: "SG-Singapore", NP: "JP-Tokyo", NL: "EU-London", NC: "SG-Singapore", NZ: "SG-Singapore", NI: "US-Atlanta", NE: "EU-London", NG: "EU-London", NU: "SG-Singapore", NF: "SG-Singapore", MP: "SG-Singapore", NO: "EU-London", OM: "JP-Tokyo", PK: "JP-Tokyo", PW: "SG-Singapore", PS: "JP-Tokyo", PA: "US-Atlanta", PG: "SG-Singapore", PY: "BR-Brazil", PE: "BR-Brazil", PH: "JP-Tokyo", PN: "SG-Singapore", PL: "EU-London", PT: "EU-London", PR: "US-Atlanta", QA: "JP-Tokyo", RE: "EU-London", RO: "EU-London", RU: "RU-Russia", RW: "EU-London", BL: "US-Atlanta", SH: "EU-London", KN: "US-Atlanta", LC: "US-Atlanta", MF: "US-Atlanta", PM: "US-Atlanta", VC: "US-Atlanta", WS: "SG-Singapore", SM: "EU-London", ST: "EU-London", SA: "EU-London", SN: "EU-London", RS: "EU-London", SC: "EU-London", SL: "EU-London", SG: "JP-Tokyo", SX: "US-Atlanta", SK: "EU-London", SI: "EU-London", SB: "SG-Singapore", SO: "EU-London", ZA: "EU-London", SS: "EU-London", ES: "EU-London", LK: "JP-Tokyo", SD: "EU-London", SR: "BR-Brazil", SJ: "EU-London", SZ: "EU-London", SE: "EU-London", CH: "EU-London", SY: "EU-London", TW: "JP-Tokyo", TJ: "JP-Tokyo", TZ: "EU-London", TH: "JP-Tokyo", TL: "JP-Tokyo", TG: "EU-London", TK: "SG-Singapore", TO: "SG-Singapore", TT: "US-Atlanta", TN: "EU-London", TR: "TK-Turkey", TM: "JP-Tokyo", TC: "US-Atlanta", TV: "SG-Singapore", UG: "EU-London", UA: "EU-London", AE: "EU-London", GB: "EU-London", US: "US-Atlanta", UM: "SG-Singapore", VI: "US-Atlanta", UY: "BR-Brazil", UZ: "JP-Tokyo", VU: "SG-Singapore", VE: "BR-Brazil", VN: "JP-Tokyo", WF: "SG-Singapore", EH: "EU-London", YE: "JP-Tokyo", ZM: "EU-London", ZW: "EU-London" }, L = null; d.connect = Ca; //UPDATE /** * Tells you if the game is in Dark mode. * @return Boolean for dark mode. */ window.getDarkBool = function() { return ta; } /** * Tells you if the mass is shown. * @return Boolean for player's mass. */ window.getMassBool = function() { return lb; } /** * This is a copy of everything that is shown on screen. * Normally stuff will time out when off the screen, this * memorizes everything that leaves the screen for a little * while longer. * @return The memory object. */ window.getMemoryCells = function() { return interNodes; } /** * [getCellsArray description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getCellsArray = function() { return v; } /** * [getCellsArray description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getCells = function() { return E; } /** * Returns an array with all the player's cells. * @return Player's cells */ window.getPlayer = function() { return k; } /** * The canvas' width. * @return Integer Width */ window.getWidth = function() { return m; } /** * The canvas' height * @return Integer Height */ window.getHeight = function() { return r; } /** * Scaling ratio of the canvas. The bigger this ration, * the further that you see. * @return Screen scaling ratio. */ window.getRatio = function() { return h; } /** * [getOffsetX description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getOffsetX = function() { return aa; } window.getOffsetY = function() { return ba; } window.getX = function() { return s; } window.getY = function() { return t; } window.getPointX = function() { return ia; } window.getPointY = function() { return ja; } /** * The X location of the mouse. * @return Integer X */ window.getMouseX = function() { return fa; } /** * The Y location of the mouse. * @return Integer Y */ window.getMouseY = function() { return ga; } window.getMapStartX = function() { return pa; } window.getMapStartY = function() { return qa; } window.getMapEndX = function() { return ra; } window.getMapEndY = function() { return sa; } window.getScreenDistance = function() { var temp = screenDistance(); return temp; } /** * A timestamp since the last time the server sent any data. * @return Last update timestamp */ window.getLastUpdate = function() { return C; } window.getCurrentScore = function() { return R; } /** * The game's current mode. (":ffa", ":experimental", ":teams". ":party") * @return {[type]} [description] */ window.getMode = function() { return P; } window.setPoint = function(x, y) { ia = x; ja = y; } window.setScore = function(a) { sessionScore = a * 100; } window.setBestTime = function(a) { bestTime = a; } window.best = function(a, b) { setScore(a); setBestTime(b); } window.setBotIndex = function(a) { console.log("Changing bot"); botIndex = a; } window.setMessage = function(a) { message = a; } window.updateBotList = function() { window.bot" class="topic-tag topic-tag-link"> DickDumBR1/Aim B-AIM-KnowledgeFlow/b-aim-knowledgeflow.github.io tjgerot/AIM4-Simulator JeanExtreme002/Aim-Trainer tzaeschke/tinspin-indexes jQuery-menu-aim 0xff-dev/acm-problem BrunoWilkinson/PsychoAim louplemaire/aim-trainer juanmav/aimshot ragsav/aim-trainer Mateko/aim-trainer aim-ed/aboutus yuanqing/menu-aim zcrwind/dr-aim des-yogi/AiM jordannick/aim-mobile Earllam/aim-go WPI-AIM/AIM_Vicon WPI-AIM/AIM_GaitAnalysisToolkit 全部项目