

商业智能(Business Intelligence,简称:BI),又称商业智慧或商务智能,指用现代数据仓库技术、线上分析处理技术、数据挖掘和数据展现技术进行数据分析以实现商业价值。


ncu-psl/BigO-Calc elijahsimpsonn/DSA-Big-O ufukkulahli/practicing-big-o-notation Theemiss/sorting_algorithms alvarofpp/4linux-curso-hadoop Yesid4Code/Sorting_algorithms fayedraza/Big-OPractice HowProgrammingWorks/Complexity fayedraza/Big-O joeegan/big-o smokecoffee/Big-O manekinekko/big-o RolEYder/Algorithms Techie-Tessie/Big_O dsnair/computer-science TusharMalakar/SoftwareAnalysis-Design NicChappell/big-o-notation rslvn/big-o-challenge humbertodias/practice-big-o MGMAdvance/Big-O-Notation justingeist0/big-o-notation marcusvieira88/big-o-notation oimoralest/sorting_algorithms langston-barrett/coq-big-o Then make sure `package.json` of your project ends with this block: ```js { // ... "eslintConfig": { "extends": "./node_modules/react-scripts/config/eslint.js" } } ``` Projects generated with `react-scripts@0.2.0` and higher should already have it. If you don’t need ESLint integration with your editor, you can safely delete those three lines from your `package.json`. Finally, you will need to install some packages *globally*: ```sh npm install -g eslint babel-eslint eslint-plugin-react eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-flowtype ``` We recognize that this is suboptimal, but it is currently required due to the way we hide the ESLint dependency. The ESLint team is already [working on a solution to this](https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/3458) so this may become unnecessary in a couple of months. ## Installing a Dependency The generated project includes React and ReactDOM as dependencies. It also includes a set of scripts used by Create React App as a development dependency. You may install other dependencies (for example, React Router) with `npm`: ``` npm install --save ``` ## Importing a Component This project setup supports ES6 modules thanks to Babel. While you can still use `require()` and `module.exports`, we encourage you to use [`import` and `export`](http://exploringjs.com/es6/ch_modules.html) instead. For example: ### `Button.js` ```js import React, { Component } from 'react'; class Button extends Component { render() { // ... } } export default Button; // Don’t forget to use export default! ``` ### `DangerButton.js` ```js import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Button from './Button'; // Import a component from another file class DangerButton extends Component { render() { return