我有一个多级数据集,用户可以在其中标记哪些记录汇总到不同的总计中。例如:数据输入 …
select prod.*, level, sys_connect_by_path(seq, '->') path, calc_cost(comp) total from prod connect by prior comp = part start with base = 1; SEQ PART COMP QTY COST CURR BASE AFO RFO LEVEL PATH TOTAL ------ ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- --- --- ------- ----------- ---------- 1 A A1 5 1 1 ->1 850 2 A1 A11 3 0 B 2 ->1->2 114 3 A11 A111 4 2 EUR 0 B;D 3 ->1->2->3 8 4 A11 A112 2 15 EUR 0 3 ->1->2->4 30 5 A1 A12 8 7 EUR 0 2 ->1->5 56 11 B B1 5 1 1 ->11 870 12 B1 B11 3 0 2 ->11->12 174 13 B11 B111 4 12 GBP 0 3 ->11->12->13 48 14 B11 B112 2 5 GBP 0 3 ->11->12->14 10
柱 total 包含组件成本,例如 B1 它是 5 * (3 * (4 * 12 + 2 * 5)) 是的 870 。
5 * (3 * (4 * 12 + 2 * 5))
create or replace function calc_cost(i_comp in varchar2) return number is v_qty number := 0; v_cost number := 0; begin select qty, cost into v_qty, v_cost from prod where comp = i_comp; if v_cost is null then select sum(calc_cost(comp)) into v_cost from prod where part = i_comp; end if; return v_qty * v_cost; exception when no_data_found then return 0; end;
create table prod(seq, part, comp, qty, cost, curr, base, afo, rfo) as ( select 1, 'A', 'A1', 5, null, null, 1, null, null from dual union all select 2, 'A1', 'A11', 3, null, null, 0, 'B', null from dual union all select 3, 'A11', 'A111', 4, 2, 'EUR', 0, null, 'B;D' from dual union all select 4, 'A11', 'A112', 2, 15, 'EUR', 0, null, null from dual union all select 5, 'A1', 'A12', 8, 7, 'EUR', 0, null, null from dual union all select 11, 'B', 'B1', 5, null, null, 1, null, null from dual union all select 12, 'B1', 'B11', 3, null, null, 0, null, null from dual union all select 13, 'B11', 'B111', 4, 12, 'GBP', 0, null, null from dual union all select 14, 'B11', 'B112', 2, 5, 'GBP', 0, null, null from dual );
您没有指定是否可以使用不同的货币 part / component 如果是这样,将如何输出。无论如何,您可以找到这些货币并独立计算每种货币。你需要在函数中添加第二个参数并编写类似的东西 where part = i_comp and curr = i_curr or curr is null 。
where part = i_comp and curr = i_curr or curr is null
也是为了 ask_for_option / remove_for_option 你可以处理它们 case when 。
case when
但我希望这个功能可以帮助你解决问题。我假设如果 cost 不是null然后我们在leaf中,否则函数递归地查找子组件。
的 编辑: 强>
让我们说seq = 14是欧元而不是英镑
update prod set curr = 'EUR' where seq = 14;
create or replace function calc_cost(i_comp in varchar2, i_curr in varchar2) return number is v_qty number := 0; v_cost number := 0; begin select qty, cost into v_qty, v_cost from prod where comp = i_comp and (curr = i_curr or curr is null); if v_cost is null then select sum(calc_cost(comp, i_curr)) into v_cost from prod where part = i_comp and (curr = i_curr or curr is null); end if; return v_qty * nvl(v_cost, 0); exception when no_data_found then return 0; end;
select seq, part, comp, qty, cost, curr, calc_cost(comp, 'EUR') eur, calc_cost(comp, 'GBP') gbp from prod connect by part = prior comp start with part = 'B'; SEQ PART COMP QTY COST CURR EUR GBP ----- ---- ---- ---------- ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- 11 B B1 5 150 720 12 B1 B11 3 30 144 13 B11 B111 4 12 GBP 0 48 14 B11 B112 2 5 EUR 10 0
部分 B 费用150欧元和720英镑。
您可以在有趣的数据部分找到所有不同的货币,将它们与您的表连接并以这种方式调用函数。结果将是每个 seq 你可以获得与不同货币一样多的行数。然后你可以使用 listagg() 并将现值作为 150 EUR; 720 GBP 在一个牢房里。
150 EUR; 720 GBP