CREATE SEQUENCE supplier_seq MINVALUE 1 从3开始 增加4 CACHE 20000;但是,我想用增量值半随机化……
这个怎么样?不是真的 序列 ,但是 - 可能适合您的需求。它是一个选择随机数并将其存储到具有主键的表中的函数。如果已使用该号码,则跳过该号码。该函数检查是否已使用所有数字;如果是这样,它会引发错误。
SQL> create table t_seq (supseq number constraint pk_tseq primary key); Table created. SQL> create or replace function f_supseq 2 return number 3 as 4 l_range number := 5; -- number of values in a "sequence" 5 l_seq number; -- a new "sequence" number 6 l_cnt number; -- number of used numbers 7 pragma autonomous_transaction; 8 begin 9 select count(*) into l_cnt from t_seq; 10 if l_cnt < l_range then 11 -- there are still some available numbers so - let's get them 12 13 -- don't let anyone mess with the table 14 lock table t_seq in exclusive mode; 15 while l_seq is null loop 16 begin 17 insert into t_seq (supseq) values 18 (round(dbms_random.value(1, l_range))) 19 returning supseq into l_seq; 20 exception 21 when dup_val_on_index then 22 -- that number has already been used; skip it 23 null; 24 end; 25 end loop; 26 commit; 27 else 28 raise_application_error(-20001, 'No more available numbers'); 29 end if; 30 31 return l_seq; 32 end; 33 / Function created.
SQL> select f_supseq from dual; F_SUPSEQ ---------- 2 SQL> select f_supseq from dual; F_SUPSEQ ---------- 4 SQL> select f_supseq from dual; F_SUPSEQ ---------- 1 SQL> select f_supseq from dual; F_SUPSEQ ---------- 3 SQL> select f_supseq from dual; F_SUPSEQ ---------- 5 SQL> select f_supseq from dual; select f_supseq from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: No more available numbers ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.F_SUPSEQ", line 28
SQL> select * From t_seq; SUPSEQ ---------- 1 2 3 4 5 SQL>