正如雅各布所说 这个答案 ,你不能覆盖 Do_Something 因为它不是原始的,因为它的控制参数是全班的。
如果你删除 Pack2.Do_Something 总之,你的程序将编译。但是,输出是
$ ./main Calling from Type1, 220 Calling from Type1, 320
更好的解决方案是消除 ��Class 在 Pack2.Do_Something ,这使它成为一个原始(可调度)操作。
$ ./main Calling from Type1, 220 Calling from Type2, 340
也许你打算初始化 Pack2.Type2.ii 到30?
Jacob Sparre Andersen在他的回答中向您展示了这一点,但我希望将更接近原始代码的内容作为额外的参考。
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure jdoodle is package Pack1 is type Type1 is tagged record i : Integer := 20; end record; type Type1_Class_Access is access all Type1'Class; function get_number(self : Type1) return Integer; procedure do_something(self : Type1); -- note the change here end Pack1; ---------------------------------------------------- package body Pack1 is function get_number(self : Type1) return Integer is begin return 200; end get_number; procedure do_something(self : Type1) is -- note the change here begin Put_Line("Calling from Type1, " & (Integer'Image(self.i + self.get_number))); end do_something; end Pack1; package Pack2 is use Pack1; type Type2 is new Type1 with record ii : Integer := 20; end record; overriding function get_number(self : Type2) return Integer; overriding procedure do_something(self : Type2); -- note the change here end Pack2; ---------------------------------------------------- package body Pack2 is function get_number(self : Type2) return Integer is begin return 300; end get_number; procedure do_something(self : Type2) is begin Put_Line("Calling from Type2, " & (Integer'Image(self.i + self.ii + self.get_number))); end do_something; end Pack2; t1 : aliased Pack1.Type1; t2 : aliased Pack2.Type2; p1 : Pack1.Type1'Class := Pack1.Type1'(others => <>); p2 : Pack1.Type1'Class := Pack2.Type2'(others => <>); procedure Do_Something(Object : Pack1.Type1'Class) is begin Object.Do_Something; -- polymorphically calls Do_Something end Do_Something; type Class_Array is array(Integer range <>) of Pack1.Type1_Class_Access; a : Class_Array(1..2) := (1 => t1'Access, 2 => t2'Access); begin -- Non Polymorphic calls t1.do_something; t2.do_something; -- Polymorphic variable calls -- both variables are of type Pack1.Type1'Class p1.do_something; p2.do_something; -- Polymorphic procedure calls -- the input type of the procedure is Pack1.Type1'Class Do_Something(t1); Do_Something(t2); -- Polymorphic array of class access variable calls for e of a loop e.Do_Something; end loop; for e of a loop Do_Something(e.all); end loop; end jdoodle;
Calling from Type1, 220 Calling from Type2, 340 Calling from Type1, 220 Calling from Type2, 340 Calling from Type1, 220 Calling from Type2, 340 Calling from Type1, 220 Calling from Type2, 340 Calling from Type1, 220 Calling from Type2, 340