读取20 MB的CSV文件,并每行实例化一个对象 的 不到1秒 强> 在总的经过时间。
首先,我们创建一个40,000的20 MB文件 Person 记录。每 Person 拥有第一个&姓氏用法语,a UUID ,以及一些任意文字作为描述。数据在a中写成四列 CSV 档案 UTF-8 。我用了 Apache Commons CSV 库来写和读。
其次,读取该文件。每行数据都被读入内存,然后用于实例化和收集数据 Person 宾语。
读取此文件并进行实例化 Person 每行的对象 的 总耗时不到一秒 强> 。每行大约需要20K 纳秒 。实际上,这包括阅读文件 两次 ,因为我们进行扫描以计算数据行数以设置收集实例的初始容量。此外,我们正在将十六进制字符串输入解析为a的128位值 UUID ,所以我们花了一些时间在数据处理上(而不仅仅是阅读)。
这里是 Person 类。
package work.basil.example; import java.util.UUID; public class Person { // Static static public String LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."; // Member variables. public String givenName, surname, description; public UUID id; public Person ( String givenName , String surname , UUID id , String description) { this.givenName = givenName; this.surname = surname; this.id = id; this.description = description ; } @Override public String toString () { return "Person{ " + "givenName='" + givenName + '\'' + " | surname='" + surname + '\'' + " | id='" + id + '\'' + " }"; } }
这是完整的应用程序,写入然后读取20 MB文件。请学习和评论,因为我快速地鞭打了这个。我没有仔细检查过我的工作。
你会发现一个 write 方法,和 read 方法。该 main 方法调用两者,并跟踪时间。
package work.basil.example; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter; import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; public class CsvSpeed { public List < Person > read ( Path path ) { // TODO: Add a check for valid file existing. List < Person > list = List.of(); // Default to empty list. try { // Prepare list. int initialCapacity = ( int ) Files.lines( path ).count(); list = new ArrayList <>( initialCapacity ); // Read CSV file. For each row, instantiate and collect `DailyProduct`. BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader( path ); Iterable < CSVRecord > records = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withFirstRecordAsHeader().parse( reader ); for ( CSVRecord record : records ) { String givenName = record.get( "givenName" ); String surname = record.get( "surname" ); UUID id = UUID.fromString( record.get( "id" ) ); String description = record.get( "description" ); // Instantiate `Person` object, and collect it. Person person = new Person( givenName , surname , id , description ); list.add( person ); } } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } return list; } public void write ( final Path path ) { ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); try ( final CSVPrinter printer = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withHeader( "givenName" , "surname" , "id" , "description" ).print( path , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) ; ) { int limit = 40_000; // 40_000 yields about 20 MB of data. List < String > givenNames = List.of( "Adrien" , "Aimon" , "Alerion" , "Alexis" , "Alezan" , "Ancil" , "Andre" , "Antoine" , "Archard" , "Aurélien" , "Averill" , "Baptiste" , "Barnard" , "Bartelemy" , "Bastien" , "Baylee" , "Beale" , "Beau" , "Beaumont" , "Beauregard" , "Bellamy" , "Berger" , "Blaize" , "Blondel" , "Boyce" , "Bruce" , "Brunelle" , "Brys" , "Burcet" , "Burnell" , "Burrell" , "Byron" , "Canaan" , "Carden" , "Carolas" , "Cavell" , "Chace" , "Chanler" , "Chante" , "Chappel" , "Charles" , "Chasen" , "Chason" , "Chemin" , "Chene" , "Cher" , "Chevalier" , "Cheyne" , "Clément" , "Clemence" , "Corbin" , "Coty" , "Cygne" , "Damien" , "Dandre" , "Dariel" , "Darl" , "Dauphine" , "Davet" , "Dax" , "Dean" , "Delice" , "Delmon" , "Destin" , "Dominique" , "Donatien" , "Duke" , "Eliott" , "Elroy" , "Enzo" , "Erwan" , "Etalon" , "Ethan" , "Fabron" , "Ferrand" , "Filberte" , "Florent" , "Florian" , "Fontaine" , "Forest" , "Fortune" , "Franchot" , "Francois" , "Fraser" , "Frayne" , "Gaëtan" , "Gabin" , "Gage" , "Gaige" , "Garland" , "Garner" , "Gaston" , "Gauge" , "Gaylord" , "Germain" , "Germaine" , "German" , "Gervaise" , "Giles" , "Gilles" , "Gitan" , "Grosvener" , "Guifford" , "Guion" , "Guy" , "Guzman" , "Henri" , "Holland" , "Hugo" , "Hugues" , "Hyacinthe" , "Jérémy" , "Jacquan" , "Jacques" , "Jacquez" , "Janvier" , "Jardan" , "Jay" , "Jaye" , "Jehan" , "Jemond" , "Jocquez" , "Jonathan" , "Jules" , "Julien" , "Justus" , "Karoly" , "Lado" , "Lafayette" , "Lamond" , "Lancelin" , "Landis" , "Landry" , "Laron" , "Larrimore" , "Laurent" , "LaValle" , "Leandre" , "Leggett" , "Leonce" , "Leron" , "Leverett" , "Lilian" , "Loïc" , "Lorenzo" , "Louis" , "Lowell" , "Luc" , "Lucien" , "Lukas" , "Macaire" , "Mace" , "Mahieu" , "Maison" , "Malleville" , "Manneville" , "Mantel" , "Marc" , "Marcel" , "Marion" , "Marius" , "Markez" , "Markis" , "Marmion" , "Marquis" , "Marquise" , "Marshall" , "Martial" , "Maslin" , "Mason" , "Matheo" , "Mathias" , "Mathys" , "Matthieu" , "Maxence" , "Mayson" , "Mehdi" , "Merle" , "Merville" , "Montague" , "Montaigu" , "Monte" , "Montgomery" , "Montreal" , "Montrel" , "Moore" , "Morel" , "Mortimer" , "Nerville" , "Neuveville" , "Nicolas" , "Noë" , "Noah" , "Noe" , "Norman" , "Norville" , "Nouel" , "Olivier" , "Onfroi" , "Paien" , "Parfait" , "Parnell" , "Pascal" , "Patrice" , "Paul" , "Peppin" , "Percival" , "Percy" , "Pernell" , "Peverell" , "Philipe" , "Pierpont" , "Pierre" , "Pomeroy" , "Prewitt" , "Purvis" , "Quennell" , "Quentin" , "Quincey" , "Quincy" , "Quintin" , "Rémi" , "Rafaelle" , "Ranger" , "Raoul" , "Raphaël" , "Rapier" , "Rawlins" , "Ray" , "Raynard" , "Remi" , "René" , "Renard" , "Rene" , "Reule" , "Reynard" , "Robin" , "Romain" , "Rondel" , "Roy" , "Royal" , "Ruff" , "Rush" , "Russel" , "Rustin" , "Sabastien" , "Sacha" , "Salomon" , "Samuel" , "Satordi" , "Saville" , "Scoville" , "Sebastien" , "Sennett" , "Severin" , "Shant" , "Shantae" , "Sidney" , "Siffre" , "Simeon" , "Simon" , "Sinclair" , "Sofiane" , "Somer" , "Stephane" , "Sully" , "Sydney" , "Sylvain" , "Talbot" , "Talon" , "Telford" , "Tempest" , "Teppo" , "Théo" , "Thayer" , "Thibault" , "Thibaut" , "Thiery" , "Tiennan" , "Tiennot" , "Titouan" , "Toussaint" , "Travaris" , "Tyson" , "Urson" , "Vachel" , "Valentin" , "Valere" , "Vallis" , "Verdun" , "Victoir" , "Victor" , "Waltier" , "William" , "Wyatt" , "Yanis" , "Yann" , "Yves" , "Yvon" , "Zosime" , "Abrial" , "Abrielle" , "Abril" , "Adele" , "Alair" , "Alerion" , "Amee" , "Angelique" , "Annette" , "Antonella" , "Arian" , "Ariane" , "Armandina" , "Aubree" , "Aubrielle" , "Audra" , "Avril" , "Bella" , "Berneta" , "Bette" , "Blaise" , "Blanche" , "Blasa" , "Bonte" , "Brie" , "Brienne" , "Brigit" , "Cachay" , "Calice" , "Camille" , "Camylle" , "Caprice" , "Caressa" , "Caroline" , "Catin" , "Celesta" , "Celeste" , "Cera" , "Cerise" , "Chablis" , "Chalice" , "Chambray" , "Champagne" , "Chandell" , "Chaney" , "Chantal" , "Chante" , "Chanterelle" , "Chantile" , "Chantilly" , "Chantrice" , "Charla" , "Charlotte" , "Charmane" , "Chaton" , "Chemin" , "Chenetta" , "Cher" , "Chere" , "Cheri" , "Cheryl" , "Christine" , "Cidney" , "Cinderella" , "Claire" , "Claudette" , "Colette" , "Cordelle" , "Cydnee" , "Daeja" , "Daija" , "Daja" , "Damzel" , "Darelle" , "Darlene" , "Darselle" , "Dejanelle" , "Deleena" , "Delice" , "Demeri" , "Deni" , "Denise" , "Desgracias" , "Desire" , "Desiree" , "Destanee" , "Destiny" , "Dior" , "Domanique" , "Dominique" , "Elaina" , "Elaine" , "Elayna" , "Elise" , "Eloisa" , "Elyse" , "Emeline" , "Emmaline" , "Emmeline" , "Estella" , "Estrella" , "Etiennette" , "Evette" , "Fabienne" , "Fabrienne" , "Fanchon" , "Fancy" , "Fawna" , "Fayana" , "Fayette" , "Fifi" , "Fleur" , "Fleurette" , "Fontanna" , "Fosette" , "Francine" , "Frederique" , "Gabriel" , "Gabriele" , "Gabrielle" , "Gaby" , "Garcelle" , "Gena" , "Genie" , "Georgette" , "Germaine" , "Gervaise" , "Gitana" , "Harriet" , "Heloisa" , "Holland" , "Honnetta" , "Isabelle" , "Ivette" , "Ivonne" , "Jacqueena" , "Jacquetta" , "Jacquiline" , "Jacyline" , "Jaime" , "Jakqueline" , "Janeen" , "Janelly" , "Janina" , "Janiqua" , "Janique" , "Jannnelle" , "Jaquita" , "Jardena" , "Jeanetta" , "Jermaine" , "Jessamine" , "Jewel" , "Jewell" , "Joli" , "Jolie" , "Josephine" , "Jozephine" , "Julieta" , "Karessa" , "Karmaine" , "Klara" , "Laine" , "Lanelle" , "Laramie" , "Layne" , "Layney" , "Leala" , "Leonette" , "Lissette" , "Lizette" , "Lourdes" , "Lucienne" , "Ly" , "Lyla" , "Lysette" , "Madelaine" , "Malerie" , "Manette" , "Marais" , "Marcelle" , "Marché" , "Mardi" , "Margo" , "Marguerite" , "Marie" , "Marie Claude" , "Marie Frances" , "Marie Joelle" , "Marie Pascale" , "Marie Sophie" , "Marjolaine" , "Marquise" , "Marvella" , "Mathieu" , "Matisse" , "Maurelle" , "Maurissa" , "Mavis" , "Melisande" , "Michelle" , "Miette" , "Mignon" , "Mimi" , "Mirya" , "Monet" , "Moniqua" , "Monteen" , "Musetta" , "Myrlie" , "Nadeen" , "Nadia" , "Nadiyah" , "Naeva" , "Nanon" , "Natalle" , "Naudia" , "Nettie" , "Nicholas" , "Nicki" , "Nicky" , "Nicole" , "Nicolette" , "Nicolina" , "Nicolle" , "Nikolette" , "Ninette" , "Ninon" , "Noelle" , "Nycole" , "Odelette" , "Opaline" , "Orane" , "Orva" , "Page" , "Parisa" , "Parnel" , "Parris" , "Patrice" , "Peridot" , "Pippi" , "Prairie" , "Rachele" , "Rachelle" , "Racquel" , "Raphaelle" , "Raquelle" , "Remi" , "Renée" , "Renea" , "Renelle" , "Renita" , "Risette" , "Rochelle" , "Romy" , "Rosabel" , "Rosiclara" , "Ruba" , "Russhell" , "Saleena" , "Salina" , "Satin" , "Sedona" , "Serene" , "Shandelle" , "Shanta" , "Shante" , "Shariah" , "Sharita" , "Sharleen" , "Sheree" , "Shereen" , "Sherell" , "Sherice" , "Sherry" , "Sidnee" , "Sidney" , "Sidnie" , "Sidonie" , "Sinclaire" , "Solange" , "Solen" , "Sorrel" , "Suzette" , "Sydnee" , "Sydney" , "Tallis" , "Tempest" , "Toinette" , "Turquoise" , "Veronique" , "Vignette" , "Villette" , "Violeta" , "Virginie" , "Voleta" , "Vonny" ); List < String > surnames = List.of( "Arceneau" , "Aucoin" , "Babin" , "Babineaux" , "Benoit" , "Bergeron" , "Bernard" , "Bertrand" , "Bessette" , "Blanc" , "Blanchard" , "Bonnet" , "Boucher" , "Bourg" , "Bourque" , "Boutin" , "Bouvier" , "Braud" , "Broussard" , "Brun" , "Chevalier" , "David" , "Depaul" , "Desmarais" , "Disney" , "Dubois" , "Dupont" , "Dupuis" , "Durand" , "Fortescue" , "Fournier" , "Garnier" , "Gaudet" , "Gillet" , "Gillette" , "Girard" , "Gravois" , "Grosvenor" , "Lambert" , "Landry" , "Laroche" , "Laurent" , "Lefevre" , "Leroy" , "Leveque" , "Lisle" , "Martin" , "Michel" , "Molyneux" , "Moreau" , "Morel" , "Neville" , "Pelletier" , "Petit" , "Prideux" , "Renard" , "Richard" , "Robert" , "Rousseau" , "Roux" , "Rufus" , "Simon" , "Thomas" ); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= limit ; i++ ) { String givenName = givenNames.get( random.nextInt( 0 , givenNames.size() ) ); String surname = surnames.get( random.nextInt( 0 , surnames.size() ) ); UUID id = UUID.randomUUID(); String description = Person.LOREM_IPSUM; printer.printRecord( givenName , surname , id , description ); } } catch ( IOException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main ( final String[] args ) { // Launch the app. CsvSpeed app = new CsvSpeed(); // Write. String when = Instant.now().truncatedTo( ChronoUnit.SECONDS ).toString().replace( ":" , "•" ); Path pathOutput = Paths.get( "/Users/basilbourque/persons.csv" ); app.write( pathOutput ); System.out.println( "Writing file: " + pathOutput ); // Read. long start = System.nanoTime(); Path pathInput = Paths.get( "/Users/basilbourque/persons.csv" ); List < Person > list = app.read( pathInput ); long stop = System.nanoTime(); // Time. long elapsed = ( stop - start ); Duration d = Duration.ofNanos( elapsed ); System.out.println( "Reading elapsed: " + d ); System.out.println( "Reading took nanos per row: " + ( elapsed / list.size() ) ); System.out.println( "nanos elapsed: " + elapsed + " | list.size: " + list.size() ); } }
编写文件:/Users/basilbourque/persons.csv 读取已过:PT0.857816234S 阅读每行纳米:21445 nanos逝去:857816234 | list.size:40000
nanos逝去:857816234 | list.size:40000
上 CSV-解析器对比 我们可以找到比较 CSV Reader / Writer -s。最快的是 uniVocity CSV parser 。第三是 Jackson 我个人比较喜欢。运用 @Basil Bourque 很好的例子我改变了一点并使用了 Jackson 类。方法读取返回 MappingIterator 您可以使用它来初始化堆对象(请参阅我如何添加元素 List )。我没有包含时间细节,但您可以使用Basil's和此解决方案自行完成:
uniVocity CSV parser
@Basil Bourque
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MappingIterator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectReader; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.CsvSchema; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; public class CsvSpeed { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { File csvFile = new File("./resource/persons.csv").getAbsoluteFile(); CsvSchema schema = CsvSchema.builder() .addColumn("givenName") .addColumn("surname") .addColumn("id") .addColumn("description") .build().withHeader(); CsvSpeed csvSpeed = new CsvSpeed(); csvSpeed.write(csvFile, schema); // Read. long start = System.nanoTime(); MappingIterator<Person> personMappingIterator = csvSpeed.read(csvFile, schema); List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>(40_000); personMappingIterator.forEachRemaining(persons::add); long stop = System.nanoTime(); System.out.println(persons.size()); // Time. long elapsed = (stop - start); Duration d = Duration.ofNanos(elapsed); System.out.println("Reading elapsed: " + d); System.out.println("Reading took nanos per row: " + (elapsed / persons.size())); System.out.println("nanos elapsed: " + elapsed + " | list.size: " + persons.size()); } public MappingIterator<Person> read(final File path, CsvSchema schema) throws Exception { CsvMapper csvMapper = new CsvMapper(); ObjectReader reader = csvMapper.readerFor(Person.class).with(schema); return reader.readValues(path); } public void write(final File path, CsvSchema schema) throws Exception { ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); CsvMapper csvMapper = new CsvMapper(); ObjectWriter writer = csvMapper.writerFor(Person.class).with(schema); try (FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(path)) { List<String> givenNames = Arrays.asList("Adrien", "Aimon", "Alerion", "Alexis", "Alezan", "Ancil", "Andre", "Antoine", "Archard", "Aurélien", "Averill", "Baptiste", "Barnard", "Bartelemy", "Bastien", "Baylee", "Beale", "Beau", "Beaumont", "Beauregard", "Bellamy", "Berger", "Blaize", "Blondel", "Boyce", "Bruce", "Brunelle", "Brys", "Burcet", "Burnell", "Burrell", "Byron", "Canaan", "Carden", "Carolas", "Cavell", "Chace", "Chanler", "Chante", "Chappel", "Charles", "Chasen", "Chason", "Chemin", "Chene", "Cher", "Chevalier", "Cheyne", "Clément", "Clemence", "Corbin", "Coty", "Cygne", "Damien", "Dandre", "Dariel", "Darl", "Dauphine", "Davet", "Dax", "Dean", "Delice", "Delmon", "Destin", "Dominique", "Donatien", "Duke", "Eliott", "Elroy", "Enzo", "Erwan", "Etalon", "Ethan", "Fabron", "Ferrand", "Filberte", "Florent", "Florian", "Fontaine", "Forest", "Fortune", "Franchot", "Francois", "Fraser", "Frayne", "Gaëtan", "Gabin", "Gage", "Gaige", "Garland", "Garner", "Gaston", "Gauge", "Gaylord", "Germain", "Germaine", "German", "Gervaise", "Giles", "Gilles", "Gitan", "Grosvener", "Guifford", "Guion", "Guy", "Guzman", "Henri", "Holland", "Hugo", "Hugues", "Hyacinthe", "Jérémy", "Jacquan", "Jacques", "Jacquez", "Janvier", "Jardan", "Jay", "Jaye", "Jehan", "Jemond", "Jocquez", "Jonathan", "Jules", "Julien", "Justus", "Karoly", "Lado", "Lafayette", "Lamond", "Lancelin", "Landis", "Landry", "Laron", "Larrimore", "Laurent", "LaValle", "Leandre", "Leggett", "Leonce", "Leron", "Leverett", "Lilian", "Loïc", "Lorenzo", "Louis", "Lowell", "Luc", "Lucien", "Lukas", "Macaire", "Mace", "Mahieu", "Maison", "Malleville", "Manneville", "Mantel", "Marc", "Marcel", "Marion", "Marius", "Markez", "Markis", "Marmion", "Marquis", "Marquise", "Marshall", "Martial", "Maslin", "Mason", "Matheo", "Mathias", "Mathys", "Matthieu", "Maxence", "Mayson", "Mehdi", "Merle", "Merville", "Montague", "Montaigu", "Monte", "Montgomery", "Montreal", "Montrel", "Moore", "Morel", "Mortimer", "Nerville", "Neuveville", "Nicolas", "Noë", "Noah", "Noe", "Norman", "Norville", "Nouel", "Olivier", "Onfroi", "Paien", "Parfait", "Parnell", "Pascal", "Patrice", "Paul", "Peppin", "Percival", "Percy", "Pernell", "Peverell", "Philipe", "Pierpont", "Pierre", "Pomeroy", "Prewitt", "Purvis", "Quennell", "Quentin", "Quincey", "Quincy", "Quintin", "Rémi", "Rafaelle", "Ranger", "Raoul", "Raphaël", "Rapier", "Rawlins", "Ray", "Raynard", "Remi", "René", "Renard", "Rene", "Reule", "Reynard", "Robin", "Romain", "Rondel", "Roy", "Royal", "Ruff", "Rush", "Russel", "Rustin", "Sabastien", "Sacha", "Salomon", "Samuel", "Satordi", "Saville", "Scoville", "Sebastien", "Sennett", "Severin", "Shant", "Shantae", "Sidney", "Siffre", "Simeon", "Simon", "Sinclair", "Sofiane", "Somer", "Stephane", "Sully", "Sydney", "Sylvain", "Talbot", "Talon", "Telford", "Tempest", "Teppo", "Théo", "Thayer", "Thibault", "Thibaut", "Thiery", "Tiennan", "Tiennot", "Titouan", "Toussaint", "Travaris", "Tyson", "Urson", "Vachel", "Valentin", "Valere", "Vallis", "Verdun", "Victoir", "Victor", "Waltier", "William", "Wyatt", "Yanis", "Yann", "Yves", "Yvon", "Zosime", "Abrial", "Abrielle", "Abril", "Adele", "Alair", "Alerion", "Amee", "Angelique", "Annette", "Antonella", "Arian", "Ariane", "Armandina", "Aubree", "Aubrielle", "Audra", "Avril", "Bella", "Berneta", "Bette", "Blaise", "Blanche", "Blasa", "Bonte", "Brie", "Brienne", "Brigit", "Cachay", "Calice", "Camille", "Camylle", "Caprice", "Caressa", "Caroline", "Catin", "Celesta", "Celeste", "Cera", "Cerise", "Chablis", "Chalice", "Chambray", "Champagne", "Chandell", "Chaney", "Chantal", "Chante", "Chanterelle", "Chantile", "Chantilly", "Chantrice", "Charla", "Charlotte", "Charmane", "Chaton", "Chemin", "Chenetta", "Cher", "Chere", "Cheri", "Cheryl", "Christine", "Cidney", "Cinderella", "Claire", "Claudette", "Colette", "Cordelle", "Cydnee", "Daeja", "Daija", "Daja", "Damzel", "Darelle", "Darlene", "Darselle", "Dejanelle", "Deleena", "Delice", "Demeri", "Deni", "Denise", "Desgracias", "Desire", "Desiree", "Destanee", "Destiny", "Dior", "Domanique", "Dominique", "Elaina", "Elaine", "Elayna", "Elise", "Eloisa", "Elyse", "Emeline", "Emmaline", "Emmeline", "Estella", "Estrella", "Etiennette", "Evette", "Fabienne", "Fabrienne", "Fanchon", "Fancy", "Fawna", "Fayana", "Fayette", "Fifi", "Fleur", "Fleurette", "Fontanna", "Fosette", "Francine", "Frederique", "Gabriel", "Gabriele", "Gabrielle", "Gaby", "Garcelle", "Gena", "Genie", "Georgette", "Germaine", "Gervaise", "Gitana", "Harriet", "Heloisa", "Holland", "Honnetta", "Isabelle", "Ivette", "Ivonne", "Jacqueena", "Jacquetta", "Jacquiline", "Jacyline", "Jaime", "Jakqueline", "Janeen", "Janelly", "Janina", "Janiqua", "Janique", "Jannnelle", "Jaquita", "Jardena", "Jeanetta", "Jermaine", "Jessamine", "Jewel", "Jewell", "Joli", "Jolie", "Josephine", "Jozephine", "Julieta", "Karessa", "Karmaine", "Klara", "Laine", "Lanelle", "Laramie", "Layne", "Layney", "Leala", "Leonette", "Lissette", "Lizette", "Lourdes", "Lucienne", "Ly", "Lyla", "Lysette", "Madelaine", "Malerie", "Manette", "Marais", "Marcelle", "Marché", "Mardi", "Margo", "Marguerite", "Marie", "Marie Claude", "Marie Frances", "Marie Joelle", "Marie Pascale", "Marie Sophie", "Marjolaine", "Marquise", "Marvella", "Mathieu", "Matisse", "Maurelle", "Maurissa", "Mavis", "Melisande", "Michelle", "Miette", "Mignon", "Mimi", "Mirya", "Monet", "Moniqua", "Monteen", "Musetta", "Myrlie", "Nadeen", "Nadia", "Nadiyah", "Naeva", "Nanon", "Natalle", "Naudia", "Nettie", "Nicholas", "Nicki", "Nicky", "Nicole", "Nicolette", "Nicolina", "Nicolle", "Nikolette", "Ninette", "Ninon", "Noelle", "Nycole", "Odelette", "Opaline", "Orane", "Orva", "Page", "Parisa", "Parnel", "Parris", "Patrice", "Peridot", "Pippi", "Prairie", "Rachele", "Rachelle", "Racquel", "Raphaelle", "Raquelle", "Remi", "Renée", "Renea", "Renelle", "Renita", "Risette", "Rochelle", "Romy", "Rosabel", "Rosiclara", "Ruba", "Russhell", "Saleena", "Salina", "Satin", "Sedona", "Serene", "Shandelle", "Shanta", "Shante", "Shariah", "Sharita", "Sharleen", "Sheree", "Shereen", "Sherell", "Sherice", "Sherry", "Sidnee", "Sidney", "Sidnie", "Sidonie", "Sinclaire", "Solange", "Solen", "Sorrel", "Suzette", "Sydnee", "Sydney", "Tallis", "Tempest", "Toinette", "Turquoise", "Veronique", "Vignette", "Villette", "Violeta", "Virginie", "Voleta", "Vonny"); List<String> surnames = Arrays.asList("Arceneau", "Aucoin", "Babin", "Babineaux", "Benoit", "Bergeron", "Bernard", "Bertrand", "Bessette", "Blanc", "Blanchard", "Bonnet", "Boucher", "Bourg", "Bourque", "Boutin", "Bouvier", "Braud", "Broussard", "Brun", "Chevalier", "David", "Depaul", "Desmarais", "Disney", "Dubois", "Dupont", "Dupuis", "Durand", "Fortescue", "Fournier", "Garnier", "Gaudet", "Gillet", "Gillette", "Girard", "Gravois", "Grosvenor", "Lambert", "Landry", "Laroche", "Laurent", "Lefevre", "Leroy", "Leveque", "Lisle", "Martin", "Michel", "Molyneux", "Moreau", "Morel", "Neville", "Pelletier", "Petit", "Prideux", "Renard", "Richard", "Robert", "Rousseau", "Roux", "Rufus", "Simon", "Thomas"); Iterable<Person> persons = () -> { return new Iterator<Person>() { int counter = 40_000; //0_000; // 40_000 yields about 20 MB of data. @Override public boolean hasNext() { return counter-- > 0; } @Override public Person next() { String givenName = givenNames.get(random.nextInt(0, givenNames.size())); String surname = surnames.get(random.nextInt(0, surnames.size())); UUID id = UUID.randomUUID(); String description = Person.LOREM_IPSUM; return new Person(givenName, surname, id, description); } }; }; writer.writeValues(fileWriter).writeAll(persons); } } } class Person { // Static static public String LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."; // Member variables. private String givenName, surname, description; private UUID id; public Person() { } public Person(String givenName, String surname, UUID id, String description) { this.givenName = givenName; this.surname = surname; this.id = id; this.description = description; } public String getGivenName() { return givenName; } public void setGivenName(String givenName) { this.givenName = givenName; } public String getSurname() { return surname; } public void setSurname(String surname) { this.surname = surname; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public UUID getId() { return id; } public void setId(UUID id) { this.id = id; } @Override public String toString() { return "Person{ " + "givenName='" + givenName + '\'' + " | surname='" + surname + '\'' + " | id='" + id + '\'' + " }"; } }
除了使用@Basil建议的java.nio,只需包装 FileReader 通过a BufferedReader 应该实现显着的加速。
FileReader fileReaderMes1 = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(FECHAS[0]));
这是我提供的Basil版本的解决方案,但是这个用途 单义的解析器 :
public class CsvSpeed { public static class Person { // Static static public String LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."; // Member variables. @Parsed public String givenName, surname, description; public UUID id; @Parsed public void id(String id) { this.id = UUID.fromString(id); } @Override public String toString() { return "Person{ " + "givenName='" + givenName + '\'' + " | surname='" + surname + '\'' + " | id='" + id + '\'' + " }"; } } public List<Person> read(Path path) { return new CsvRoutines(Csv.parseRfc4180()).parseAll(Person.class, path.toFile(), "UTF-8", 40_000); } public void write(final Path path) { ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current(); CsvWriter writer = new CsvWriter(path.toFile(), "UTF-8", Csv.writeRfc4180()); writer.writeHeaders("givenName" , "surname" , "id" , "description"); int limit = 40_000; // 40_000 yields about 20 MB of data. List<String> givenNames = List.of("Adrien", "Aimon", "Alerion", "Alexis", "Alezan", "Ancil", "Andre", "Antoine", "Archard", "Aurélien", "Averill", "Baptiste", "Barnard", "Bartelemy", "Bastien", "Baylee", "Beale", "Beau", "Beaumont", "Beauregard", "Bellamy", "Berger", "Blaize", "Blondel", "Boyce", "Bruce", "Brunelle", "Brys", "Burcet", "Burnell", "Burrell", "Byron", "Canaan", "Carden", "Carolas", "Cavell", "Chace", "Chanler", "Chante", "Chappel", "Charles", "Chasen", "Chason", "Chemin", "Chene", "Cher", "Chevalier", "Cheyne", "Clément", "Clemence", "Corbin", "Coty", "Cygne", "Damien", "Dandre", "Dariel", "Darl", "Dauphine", "Davet", "Dax", "Dean", "Delice", "Delmon", "Destin", "Dominique", "Donatien", "Duke", "Eliott", "Elroy", "Enzo", "Erwan", "Etalon", "Ethan", "Fabron", "Ferrand", "Filberte", "Florent", "Florian", "Fontaine", "Forest", "Fortune", "Franchot", "Francois", "Fraser", "Frayne", "Gaëtan", "Gabin", "Gage", "Gaige", "Garland", "Garner", "Gaston", "Gauge", "Gaylord", "Germain", "Germaine", "German", "Gervaise", "Giles", "Gilles", "Gitan", "Grosvener", "Guifford", "Guion", "Guy", "Guzman", "Henri", "Holland", "Hugo", "Hugues", "Hyacinthe", "Jérémy", "Jacquan", "Jacques", "Jacquez", "Janvier", "Jardan", "Jay", "Jaye", "Jehan", "Jemond", "Jocquez", "Jonathan", "Jules", "Julien", "Justus", "Karoly", "Lado", "Lafayette", "Lamond", "Lancelin", "Landis", "Landry", "Laron", "Larrimore", "Laurent", "LaValle", "Leandre", "Leggett", "Leonce", "Leron", "Leverett", "Lilian", "Loïc", "Lorenzo", "Louis", "Lowell", "Luc", "Lucien", "Lukas", "Macaire", "Mace", "Mahieu", "Maison", "Malleville", "Manneville", "Mantel", "Marc", "Marcel", "Marion", "Marius", "Markez", "Markis", "Marmion", "Marquis", "Marquise", "Marshall", "Martial", "Maslin", "Mason", "Matheo", "Mathias", "Mathys", "Matthieu", "Maxence", "Mayson", "Mehdi", "Merle", "Merville", "Montague", "Montaigu", "Monte", "Montgomery", "Montreal", "Montrel", "Moore", "Morel", "Mortimer", "Nerville", "Neuveville", "Nicolas", "Noë", "Noah", "Noe", "Norman", "Norville", "Nouel", "Olivier", "Onfroi", "Paien", "Parfait", "Parnell", "Pascal", "Patrice", "Paul", "Peppin", "Percival", "Percy", "Pernell", "Peverell", "Philipe", "Pierpont", "Pierre", "Pomeroy", "Prewitt", "Purvis", "Quennell", "Quentin", "Quincey", "Quincy", "Quintin", "Rémi", "Rafaelle", "Ranger", "Raoul", "Raphaël", "Rapier", "Rawlins", "Ray", "Raynard", "Remi", "René", "Renard", "Rene", "Reule", "Reynard", "Robin", "Romain", "Rondel", "Roy", "Royal", "Ruff", "Rush", "Russel", "Rustin", "Sabastien", "Sacha", "Salomon", "Samuel", "Satordi", "Saville", "Scoville", "Sebastien", "Sennett", "Severin", "Shant", "Shantae", "Sidney", "Siffre", "Simeon", "Simon", "Sinclair", "Sofiane", "Somer", "Stephane", "Sully", "Sydney", "Sylvain", "Talbot", "Talon", "Telford", "Tempest", "Teppo", "Théo", "Thayer", "Thibault", "Thibaut", "Thiery", "Tiennan", "Tiennot", "Titouan", "Toussaint", "Travaris", "Tyson", "Urson", "Vachel", "Valentin", "Valere", "Vallis", "Verdun", "Victoir", "Victor", "Waltier", "William", "Wyatt", "Yanis", "Yann", "Yves", "Yvon", "Zosime", "Abrial", "Abrielle", "Abril", "Adele", "Alair", "Alerion", "Amee", "Angelique", "Annette", "Antonella", "Arian", "Ariane", "Armandina", "Aubree", "Aubrielle", "Audra", "Avril", "Bella", "Berneta", "Bette", "Blaise", "Blanche", "Blasa", "Bonte", "Brie", "Brienne", "Brigit", "Cachay", "Calice", "Camille", "Camylle", "Caprice", "Caressa", "Caroline", "Catin", "Celesta", "Celeste", "Cera", "Cerise", "Chablis", "Chalice", "Chambray", "Champagne", "Chandell", "Chaney", "Chantal", "Chante", "Chanterelle", "Chantile", "Chantilly", "Chantrice", "Charla", "Charlotte", "Charmane", "Chaton", "Chemin", "Chenetta", "Cher", "Chere", "Cheri", "Cheryl", "Christine", "Cidney", "Cinderella", "Claire", "Claudette", "Colette", "Cordelle", "Cydnee", "Daeja", "Daija", "Daja", "Damzel", "Darelle", "Darlene", "Darselle", "Dejanelle", "Deleena", "Delice", "Demeri", "Deni", "Denise", "Desgracias", "Desire", "Desiree", "Destanee", "Destiny", "Dior", "Domanique", "Dominique", "Elaina", "Elaine", "Elayna", "Elise", "Eloisa", "Elyse", "Emeline", "Emmaline", "Emmeline", "Estella", "Estrella", "Etiennette", "Evette", "Fabienne", "Fabrienne", "Fanchon", "Fancy", "Fawna", "Fayana", "Fayette", "Fifi", "Fleur", "Fleurette", "Fontanna", "Fosette", "Francine", "Frederique", "Gabriel", "Gabriele", "Gabrielle", "Gaby", "Garcelle", "Gena", "Genie", "Georgette", "Germaine", "Gervaise", "Gitana", "Harriet", "Heloisa", "Holland", "Honnetta", "Isabelle", "Ivette", "Ivonne", "Jacqueena", "Jacquetta", "Jacquiline", "Jacyline", "Jaime", "Jakqueline", "Janeen", "Janelly", "Janina", "Janiqua", "Janique", "Jannnelle", "Jaquita", "Jardena", "Jeanetta", "Jermaine", "Jessamine", "Jewel", "Jewell", "Joli", "Jolie", "Josephine", "Jozephine", "Julieta", "Karessa", "Karmaine", "Klara", "Laine", "Lanelle", "Laramie", "Layne", "Layney", "Leala", "Leonette", "Lissette", "Lizette", "Lourdes", "Lucienne", "Ly", "Lyla", "Lysette", "Madelaine", "Malerie", "Manette", "Marais", "Marcelle", "Marché", "Mardi", "Margo", "Marguerite", "Marie", "Marie Claude", "Marie Frances", "Marie Joelle", "Marie Pascale", "Marie Sophie", "Marjolaine", "Marquise", "Marvella", "Mathieu", "Matisse", "Maurelle", "Maurissa", "Mavis", "Melisande", "Michelle", "Miette", "Mignon", "Mimi", "Mirya", "Monet", "Moniqua", "Monteen", "Musetta", "Myrlie", "Nadeen", "Nadia", "Nadiyah", "Naeva", "Nanon", "Natalle", "Naudia", "Nettie", "Nicholas", "Nicki", "Nicky", "Nicole", "Nicolette", "Nicolina", "Nicolle", "Nikolette", "Ninette", "Ninon", "Noelle", "Nycole", "Odelette", "Opaline", "Orane", "Orva", "Page", "Parisa", "Parnel", "Parris", "Patrice", "Peridot", "Pippi", "Prairie", "Rachele", "Rachelle", "Racquel", "Raphaelle", "Raquelle", "Remi", "Renée", "Renea", "Renelle", "Renita", "Risette", "Rochelle", "Romy", "Rosabel", "Rosiclara", "Ruba", "Russhell", "Saleena", "Salina", "Satin", "Sedona", "Serene", "Shandelle", "Shanta", "Shante", "Shariah", "Sharita", "Sharleen", "Sheree", "Shereen", "Sherell", "Sherice", "Sherry", "Sidnee", "Sidney", "Sidnie", "Sidonie", "Sinclaire", "Solange", "Solen", "Sorrel", "Suzette", "Sydnee", "Sydney", "Tallis", "Tempest", "Toinette", "Turquoise", "Veronique", "Vignette", "Villette", "Violeta", "Virginie", "Voleta", "Vonny"); List<String> surnames = List.of("Arceneau", "Aucoin", "Babin", "Babineaux", "Benoit", "Bergeron", "Bernard", "Bertrand", "Bessette", "Blanc", "Blanchard", "Bonnet", "Boucher", "Bourg", "Bourque", "Boutin", "Bouvier", "Braud", "Broussard", "Brun", "Chevalier", "David", "Depaul", "Desmarais", "Disney", "Dubois", "Dupont", "Dupuis", "Durand", "Fortescue", "Fournier", "Garnier", "Gaudet", "Gillet", "Gillette", "Girard", "Gravois", "Grosvenor", "Lambert", "Landry", "Laroche", "Laurent", "Lefevre", "Leroy", "Leveque", "Lisle", "Martin", "Michel", "Molyneux", "Moreau", "Morel", "Neville", "Pelletier", "Petit", "Prideux", "Renard", "Richard", "Robert", "Rousseau", "Roux", "Rufus", "Simon", "Thomas"); for (int i = 1; i <= limit; i++) { String givenName = givenNames.get(random.nextInt(0, givenNames.size())); String surname = surnames.get(random.nextInt(0, surnames.size())); UUID id = UUID.randomUUID(); String description = Person.LOREM_IPSUM; writer.writeRow(givenName, surname, id, description); } writer.close(); } public static void main(final String[] args) { // Launch the app. CsvSpeed app = new CsvSpeed(); // Write. String when = Instant.now().truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.SECONDS).toString().replace(":", "•"); Path pathOutput = Paths.get("/tmp/persons.csv"); app.write(pathOutput); System.out.println("Writing file: " + pathOutput); // Read. long start = System.nanoTime(); Path pathInput = Paths.get("/tmp/persons.csv"); List<Person> list = app.read(pathInput); long stop = System.nanoTime(); // Time. long elapsed = (stop - start); Duration d = Duration.ofNanos(elapsed); System.out.println("Reading elapsed: " + d); System.out.println("Reading took nanos per row: " + (elapsed / list.size())); System.out.println("nanos elapsed: " + elapsed + " | list.size: " + list.size()); } }
Writing file: /tmp/persons.csv Reading elapsed: PT0.230395859S Reading took nanos per row: 5759 nanos elapsed: 230395859 | list.size: 40000
它没有显示一旦你考虑JIT踢入并优化代码,解析器可以获得多快。我已经更改了代码以生成400K记录(导致200 MB文件)。现在代码打印:
Reading elapsed: PT0.993483883S Reading took nanos per row: 2483 nanos elapsed: 993483883 | list.size: 400000
Reading elapsed: PT7.961481755S Reading took nanos per row: 1990 nanos elapsed: 7961481755 | list.size: 4000000