我正在从带有无线电的基站指挥机器人。基站使用机器人上的AR标签(带有openCV)从高架摄像机获取位置/方向信息。而且,base会根据位置信息(A *,相机中的每个网格为30 x 30像素)计算机器人到达目标所应采用的路径。我的机器人只能在其中心点向左/向右转,然后向前/向后前进。机器人包括带有两个Lego NXT电机的Arduino Uno。
def correctOrientation(self, rx: int, ry: int): #returns direction robot needs to point. direction = self.getDirection((self.sx, self.sy), (rx, ry)) #method to stop robot. self.comms.stop() anglediff = (self.angle - direction + 180 + 360) % 360 - 180 while not (abs(anglediff) < 15): #Decides which way to turn. if self.isTurnLeft(self.angle, direction): self.comms.turnLeft() else: self.comms.turnRight() #Put sleeps because there is a delay in camera feed. Allows it to get the location right time.sleep(0.3) self.comms.stop() #Updates position self.getPos() time.sleep(1) #Calculates orientation of robot and updates it self.angle = self.calcOrientation() anglediff = (self.angle - direction + 180 + 360) % 360 - 180 print(anglediff) time.sleep(1)
def isTurnLeft(self, angle, touchAngle): diff = touchAngle - angle if diff < 0: diff += 360 if diff < 180: return False else: return True def calcOrientation(self) -> float: return self.getDirection(self.marker[0], self.marker[3]) def getDirection(self, source: Tuple[int], target: Tuple[int]) -> float : return (math.degrees(math.atan2(target[1] - source[1], target[0] - source[0]))+360)%360