课程{ 静态的 …
考虑一下Console.ReadKey()将等到你按一个键继续。完成后,属性Console.ReadKey()。Key将包含按下的键的值 那么,在那种情况下......
var key = Console.ReadKey().Key; switch (key) { case ConsoleKey.D1: Console.WriteLine("You pressed 1"); break; case ConsoleKey.D2: Console.WriteLine("You pressed 2"); break; //etc...// default: Console.WriteLine("You pressed something else"); break; }
所以我觉得这是进步,但我可能错了? Switch语句会替换我的getChoice函数中的If语句吗?
class Program { static void displayMainMenu() { string title = "Old Yeller Pet Store"; Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0," + ((Console.WindowWidth /2) + (title.Length / 2 )) + "}", title)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); title = "Main Menu"; Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0," + ((Console.WindowWidth /2) + (title.Length / 2 )) + "}", title)); Console.WriteLine("\n"); string line = "1. Buy a Pet"; Console.WriteLine(line.PadLeft(line.Length+1 + 50)); string line2 = "2. Buy Food"; Console.WriteLine(line2.PadLeft(line2.Length+1 + 50)); string line3 = "3. File OPs"; Console.WriteLine(line3.PadLeft(line3.Length+1 + 50)); string line4 = "4. Manager"; Console.WriteLine(line4.PadLeft(line4.Length+1 + 50)); string line5 = "5. Quit"; Console.WriteLine(line5.PadLeft(line5.Length+1 + 50)); } static void getChoice() { string option; int choice; Console.WriteLine("Please input which number option you choose to use"); option = Console.ReadLine(); choice = Convert.ToInt32(option); if (choice == 1) { Console.Write("Lipsum"); //code to open Buy a Pet menu } } public static void Main(string[] args) { displayMainMenu (); getChoice(); Console.ReadKey(); } }