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管理 edition 项目 Cengage part Copyright Technology China Learning. 技术
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I……ω…I p t"'oJec+ Ma r) a e阳 I
(原书第 5 版)
(5th Edition)
凯西·施瓦尔贝 (Ka由y Schwalbe)
(美) 奥格斯堡学民 r
Y工f China Machine Press
人力资源、沟通、风险和采购管理)以及全部 5 个过程组(包括启动、计划、实施、监控和
收尾)的唯一一本教科书,为管理 IT 项目提供了坚实的框架和内容。
本书适合于高等院校管理相关专业的本科生、研究生,也可作为 IT 技术人员、高新技术
Kathy Schwalbe. Information Technology Project Management , 5th ed.
Copyright @ 2007 by Thomson Course Technology , a part of Cengage Learning.
Original edition published by Cengage Learning. CMP pr巳ss is authoriz巳d by Cengage L巳缸ning
to publish and dis仕ibute exclusively 也is simplified Chinese edition. 咀IÏs edition is authorized for sale
in the People' s Republic of China only (excluding Hong Kong , Macao SAR and Taiwan). Unau-
出orized export of this edition is a violation of the Copyright Act. No part of this publication may be
reproduced or distributed by any means , or stored in a database or re创巳val system , without the prior
writt巳n permission of the publish

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