M A N N I N G Michael Fogus Chris Houser FOREWORD BY William E. Byrd & Daniel P. Friedman SECOND EDITION Praise for the First Edition The authors blaze through many of the classics of both functional programming and industry programming in a whirlwind tour of Clojure that feels at times more like a class-five tropical storm. You’ll learn fast! —From the Foreword by Steve Yegge, Google The Joy of Clojure wants to make you a better programmer, not just a better Clojure programmer. I would absolutely recommend this to anyone I know who had an interest in Clojure and/or functional programming. —Rob Friesel Dealer.com Websystems Teaches the Tao of Clojure and, oh boy, it’s such a joy! Simply unputdownable! —Baishampayan Ghose (BG) Cofounder & CTO, Qotd, Inc. The Clojure community, present and future, will be grateful for this book. —Andrew Oswald Chariot Solutions Discover the why not just the how of Clojure —Federico Tomassetti Politecnico di Torino The Joy o