Business Innovation (1).docx

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nous Indige health conce pts remote settings 机器 centres en.Aboriginal
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Business Innovation

How can technology improve the health outcomes of remote & mobile populations?

can include:
Proof of concept applications;
Poster /PowerPoint concepts;
All of the above
Contextual issues to consider
Patients have no fixed address and cannot be contacted easily: most very remote Indigenous communities in the state don't have street names.
Patients are sometimes found by ringing relatives and known associates.
Patients can’t read very well or at all: English is one of many languages spoken by both Indigenous and some non -Indigenous Territorians.
Some patients may not have a phone.
Patients don’t make appointments: there is a high rate of non-attendance.
Community centres are few and far between.
Aboriginal health beliefs are non-traditional: concepts of health screening, immunization or disease monitoring are alien: – a lot of care is delivered opportunistically if they happen to be in a clinic
Non-Indigenous patients in other remote health settings are

nous/Indige/health/conce/pts/remote/settings/机器/centres/en.Aboriginal/ nous/Indige/health/conce/pts/remote/settings/机器/centres/en.Aboriginal/
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