Chapter 1 2017.pdf

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approxi mation Provable thinking Linear Approach torial programming Semi-definite Combina
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Introduction Combinatorial Approach Linear thinking Provable approximation: LP Semi-definite programming (SDPs) Duality
Introduction of the Course
Chapter 1
Approximation Algorithms
Advanced Algorithms
20, Feb, 2017
Introduction Combinatorial Approach Linear thinking Provable approximation: LP Semi-definite programming (SDPs) Duality
Advanced Algorithms
1. Definition of algorithms?
How many definitions you can give?
2. What are the roles of algorithms?
• The engines of computer
3. What is advanced? approximately after 1990
• Randomized
• Approximation
• Local algorithms
• Dynamical algorithms
4. New direction?
Introduction Combinatorial Approach Linear thinking Provable approximation: LP Semi-definite programming (SDPs) Duality
The goal of the course
1. Better understanding of the art
2. The key of algorithms?
• New ideas
• New applications
• New understanding of the concept of computation
Computation vs Game, Learning, Evolution etc
3. Examination

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