6 0 4 | N A T U R E | V O L 5 5 5 | 2 9 m A R c h 2 0 1 8
Planning chemical syntheses with deep
neural networks and symbolic AI
marwin h. S. Segler1,2, mike Preuss3 & mark P. Waller4
Retrosynthetic analysis is the canonical technique used to plan the
synthesis of small organic molecules1,2. In retrosynthesis, a search tree
is built by ‘working backwards’, analysing molecules recursively and
transforming them into simpler precursors until one obtains a set of
known or commercially available building-block molecules (Fig. 1)3,4.
Given that transformations are formally reversed chemical reactions,
the plan can be then carried out in the laboratory in the forward direc-
tion to synthesize the target compound3,4. Transformations are derived
from successfully conducted series of similar reactions with analogous
starting materials, and are often named after their discoverers (‘named
reactions’)5. At each retrosynthetic step, a