Managing conda and anaconda conda info Verify conda is installed, check version # conda update conda Update conda package and environment manager to current version conda update anaconda Update the anaconda meta package (the library of packages ready to install with conda command) Managing environments conda info --envs or conda info -e Get a list of all my environments, active environment shown with * conda create --name snowflakes biopython or conda create -n snowflakes biopython Create an environment and install program(s) TIP: To avoid dependency conflicts, install all programs in the environment (snowflakes) at the same time. TIP: Environments install by default into the envs directory see conda create --help for details. source activate snowflakes (Linux, OS X) activate snowflakes (Windows) Activate the new environment to use it TIP: Activate prepends the path to the snowflakes environment. conda create -n bunnies python=3.4 astroid