Cite as: D. George et al., Science
10.1126/science.aag2612 (2017).
First release: 26 October 2017 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 1
The ability to learn and generalize from a few examples is a
hallmark of human intelligence (1). CAPTCHAs, images used
by websites to block automated interactions, are examples of
problems that are easy for humans but difficult for comput-
ers. CAPTCHAs are hard for algorithms because they add
clutter and crowd letters together to create a chicken-and-egg
problem for character classifiers — the classifiers work well
for characters that have been segmented out, but segmenting
the individual characters requires an understanding of the
characters, each of which might be rendered in a combinato-
rial number of ways (2–5). A recent deep-learning approach
for parsing one specific CAPTCHA style required millions of
labeled examples from it (6), and earlie