The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference, 2nd Edition.pdf

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ing pars ANTLR book v4 witter search makes language writing
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Early Praise for The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference
Parr’s clear writing and lighthearted style make it a pleasure to learn the practical
details of building language processors.
➤ Dan Bornstein
Designer of the Dalvik VM for Android
ANTLR is an exceptionally powerful and flexible tool for parsing formal languages.
At Twitter, we use it exclusively for query parsing in our search engine. Our
grammars are clean and concise, and the generated code is efficient and stable.
This book is our go-to reference for ANTLR v4—engaging writing, clear descriptions,
and practical examples all in one place.
➤ Samuel Luckenbill
Senior manager of search infrastructure, Twitter, Inc.
ANTLR v4 really makes parsing easy, and this book makes it even easier. It explains
every step of the process, from designing the grammar to making use of the output.
➤ Niko Matsakis
Core contributor to the Rust language and researcher at Mozilla Research
I sure wish I had ANTLR 4 and this book four years ago w

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