项目作者: bradleyfrank

项目描述 :
Ansible playbook for bootstrapping macOS/Linux workstations and managing dotfiles.
高级语言: Jinja
项目地址: git://github.com/bradleyfrank/ansible.git
创建时间: 2020-12-22T02:39:15Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Brad’s Bootstrapping & dotfiles Manager


Ansible playbooks and roles for bootstrapping macOS and Linux workstations, and managing dotfiles. The playbooks are designed with no assumed prior knowledge of the system, and are meant to be run on a newly installed system.

Because these playbooks are meant to be run locally instead of over SSH, the inventory is dynamic, such that the current host is assigned to groups based on Linux distro, or simply Darwin for macOS.

Running the Playbooks

On macOS, in order to install apps via mas, log in to the App Store prior to running. Then download and run the install script:

  1. ```shell
  2. curl -sO https://dotfiles.franklybrad.com/install
  3. sh install
  4. ```

Upon completion, a full reboot is recommended for a clean shell.

Check the install script for environment variables that can be set prior to running.
e.g. ANSIBLE_REPO_BRANCH=develop sh install

Do not pipe curl into sh as Ansible won’t run in interactive mode and will skip setup prompts.

Setup Workflow

  1. Bootstrap the OS: the install script installs the necessary packages to check out the repository and run Ansible; this includes Homebrew (excluding ARM systems), Python, and Git. This script requires sudo access on Linux only.

  2. Bootstrap Ansible: this playbook installs the necessary Ansible collections, and creates a host YAML file that is pre-filled with global variables (used as default values in roles).

  3. Initialize 1Password: the user is prompted for 1Password credentials, Ansible authenticates with the option of using the GUI or just the CLI version. A new entry is created for the host machine under the category SERVER.

  4. System bootstrap: runs the play_all_roles playbook which includes all roles and tasks, specifically all,never to target tasks where idompotence isn’t desireable (e.g. completely resetting a dock).

Managing Dotfiles

Run the playbook play_dots. Tasks that fall under dotfile management are tagged with dots. Add the tag moredots to include additional tasks that are complimentary to dotfile management.