Type-safe and idiomatic Scala client for FoundationDB
foundationdb4s is a wrapper for FoundationDB Java client.
It aims to be type-safe and idiomatic for Scala.
implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global
val database: Database = FDB.selectAPIVersion(630).open(null, ec)
final case class Book(isbn: String, title: String, publishedOn: LocalDate)
val booksSubspace = new TypedSubspace[Book, String] {
override val subspace: Subspace = new Subspace(Tuple.from("books"))
override def toKey(entity: Book): String = entity.isbn
override def toRawValue(entity: Book): Array[Byte] = {
Tuple.from(entity.title, entity.publishedOn.toString).pack
override def toTupledKey(key: String): Tuple = Tuple.from(key)
override def toKey(tupledKey: Tuple): String = tupledKey.getString(0)
override def toEntity(key: String, value: Array[Byte]): Book = {
val tupledValue = Tuple.fromBytes(value)
val publishedOn = LocalDate.parse(tupledValue.getString(1))
Book(isbn = key, title = tupledValue.getString(0), publishedOn = publishedOn)
val dbio: DBIO[Option[Book]] = for {
_ <- booksSubspace.set(Book("978-0451205766", "The Godfather", LocalDate.parse("2002-03-01")))
maybeBook <- booksSubspace.get("978-0451205766").toDBIO
} yield maybeBook
val maybeBook: Future[Option[Book]] = dbio.transact(database)
If you:
please create an issue.
To get started you can add the following dependencies to your project:
val fdb4sVersion = "0.12.0"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.pwliwanow.foundationdb4s" %% "core" % fdb4sVersion,
"com.github.pwliwanow.foundationdb4s" %% "schema" % fdb4sVersion,
"com.github.pwliwanow.foundationdb4s" %% "akka-streams" % fdb4sVersion
Note that starting from version 0.10.0, modules were renamed
from foundationdb4s-core
to core
and from foundationdb4s-akka-streams
to akka-streams
and ReadDBIO
implementation (akka-streams
module)Modifying data within a TypedSubspace
and set
operations) returns DBIO[_]
Reading from a TypedSubspace
and getRange
operations) returns ReadDBIO[_]
provides method .toDBIO
for converting ReadDBIO[_]
into DBIO[_]
Module schema
further improves type-safety by requiring schema
(simply HList from Shapeless)
for keys (KeySchema
) and values (ValueSchema
) that are to be stored within given Namespace
Having schema enables safe getRange
and clear
operations - those methods take HList (representing prefix)
and during compilation it’s checked (by requiring implicit parameter) if given prefix starts with the same types
as KeySchema
for a given subspace. E.g. given KeySchema: String :: Int :: HNil
it’s possible to call getRange(String :: HNil)
, but getRange(Int :: HNil)
will fail to compile.
Module schema
also provides support for automatic derivation of encoders and decoders;
derived codecs support schema evolution.
E.g. if key was written using TupleEncoder[String :: HNil]
, it is possible to read the key
with TupleDecoder[String :: Option[A] :: HNil]
(where A
is any type for which TupleDecoder[A]
exist) or
with TupleDecoder[String :: List[A] :: HNil]
Implicit TupleEncoders
and TupleDecoders
are provided for basic types,
such as: Int
, Long
, Boolean
and String
It also supports encoders and decoders for Option[A]
and List[A]
given that implicit TupleEncoder[A]
Encoders and decoders can be automatically derived for any case class, given that there exist implicit
encoders/decoders for all its members.
import com.github.pwliwanow.foundationdb4s.schema._
import shapeless.{::, HNil}
implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global
val database: Database = FDB.selectAPIVersion(630).open(null, ec)
object Language extends Enumeration {
type Language = Value
val En, De = Value
case class ISBN(value: String) extends AnyVal
import Language._
final case class Book(language: Language, isbn: ISBN, title: String, publishedOn: LocalDate)
object Codecs {
implicit val localDateEnc = implicitly[TupleEncoder[Long]].contramap[LocalDate](_.toEpochDay)
implicit val localDateDec = implicitly[TupleDecoder[Long]].map(LocalDate.ofEpochDay)
implicit val languageEnc = implicitly[TupleEncoder[String]].contramap[Language](_.toString)
implicit val languageDec = implicitly[TupleDecoder[String]].map(Language.withName)
import Codecs._
object BookSchema extends Schema {
type Entity = Book
type KeySchema = Language :: LocalDate :: ISBN :: HNil
type ValueSchema = String :: HNil
override def toKey(entity: Book): BookSchema.KeySchema =
entity.language :: entity.publishedOn :: entity.isbn :: HNil
override def toValue(entity: Book): BookSchema.ValueSchema =
entity.title :: HNil
override def toEntity(key: BookSchema.KeySchema, valueRepr: BookSchema.ValueSchema): Book = {
val language :: publishedOn :: isbn :: HNil = key
val title :: HNil = valueRepr
Book(language, isbn, title, publishedOn)
val booksNamespace = new BookSchema.Namespace(new Subspace(Tuple.from("books")))
val dbio: ReadDBIO[Seq[Book]] = booksNamespace.getRange((Language.En, LocalDate.of(2018, 7, 10)))
// or booksNamespace.getRange(Language.En :: LocalDate.of(2018, 7, 10) :: HNil)
val result: Future[Seq[Book]] = dbio.transact(database)
Sometimes it may prove useful to perform operations in parallel (e.g. in case of independent gets
For that use case Parallel
type class from Cats is provided:
it allows users to use operations like parSequence
, parTraverse
and parMapN
// `Parallel` type classes are defined in `DBIO` and `ReadDBIO` companion objects,
// so there is no need to import them as they are in scope automatically
import cats.implicits._
val dbios: List[ReadDBIO[Option[Book]]] =
List(booksSubspace.get("978-0451205766"), booksSubspace.get("978-1491962299"))
// instruct `dbios` to be run in parallel
val dbio: ReadDBIO[List[Option[Book]]] = dbios.parSequence
val result: Future[List[Option[Book]]] = dbio.transact(database)
Versionstamp consists of “transaction” version and of a user version.
Transaction version is usually assigned by the database in such a way that
all transactions receive a different version that is consistent with a serialization
order of the transactions within the database.
This also implies that the transaction version of newly committed transactions will
be monotonically increasing over time.
Note that transaction version will be assigned during commit,
which implies that it is not possible to use/get “current” transaction version inside the transaction itself.
User version should be set by the client.
It allows the user to use this class to impose a total order of items across multiple
transactions in the database in a consistent and conflict-free way.
More information in FoundationDB Javadoc.
foundationdb4s supports working with keys or values that contain versionstamps
by providing SubspaceWithVersionstampedKeys
and SubspaceWithVersionstampedValues
Compared to TypedSubspace
, those require additional method to be implemented: extractVersionstamp
To obtain versionstamp which was used by any versionstamp operations in this DBIO
use transactVersionstamped
instead of transact
Note that if the given DBIO
did not modify the database, returned Versionstamp
will be empty.
implicit val ec = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.global
val database: Database = FDB.selectAPIVersion(630).open(null, ec)
case class EventKey(eventType: String, versionstamp: Versionstamp)
case class Event(key: EventKey, content: Array[Byte])
val eventsSubspace = new SubspaceWithVersionstampedKeys[Event, EventKey] {
override val subspace: Subspace = new Subspace(Tuple.from("events"))
override def toKey(entity: Event): EventKey = entity.key
override def toRawValue(entity: Event): Array[Byte] = event.content
override def toTupledKey(key: EventKey): Tuple = Tuple.from(key.eventType, key.versiostamp)
override def toKey(tupledKey: Tuple): EventKey = {
EventKey(tupledKey.getString(0), tupledKey.getVersiostamp(1))
override def toEntity(key: EventKey, value: Array[Byte]): Event = Event(key, value)
override def extractVersionstamp(key: EventKey): Versionstamp = key.versionstamp
val event = Event(
key = EventKey("UserAdded", Versionstamp.incomplete(0)),
content = Tuple.from("""{ "name": "John Smith" }""").pack)
// save new event
val setDbio: DBIO[Unit] = eventsSubspace.set(event)
val completedVersionstamp: Versionstamp =
.transactVersionstamped(database, userVersion = 0)
.map { case (_, Some(versionstamp)) => versionstamp },
// update previously persisted event
val updatedEvent = event.copy(key = event.key.copy(versionstamp = completedVersionstamp))
val updateDbio = eventsSubspace.set(updatedEvent)
When application needs to monitor changes done to a given key, it can periodically read the key or it can use watches.
Watches are created for a given key, and return a Promise
that will be completed, once the value for the key changes.
Note that there is limited number of watches that can be active for each database connection (by default 10,000),
so watches that are no longer needed should be canceled.
Once the number is exceeded creating new watches will fail.
// reusing first example
final case class Book(isbn: String, title: String, publishedOn: LocalDate)
val booksSubspace: TypedSubspace[Book, String] = ???
val key = "978-0451205766"
val dbio: DBIO[Promise[Unit]] = booksSubspace.watch(key)
val futureWatch: Future[Promise[Unit]] = dbio.transact(database)
More information about watches can be found in
FoundationDB developer guide and
FoundationDB Javadoc.
If you want to stream data from a subspace, it can take longer than FoundationDB transaction time limit, your data is immutable and append only, or if approximation is good enough for your use case,
you can use either use SubspaceSource
(from akka-streams module)
or you can use RefreshingSubspaceStream
(from core module).
Advantage of using SubspaceSource
is that it closes resources automatically and
exposes easier to use API leveraging Akka Streams.
To create a source you need at least subspace: TypedSubspace[Entity, Key]
and database: Database
val source: Source[Entity, _] = SubspaceSource.from(subspace, database)
However, if you don’t want to add Akka as a dependency or you need more control over streaming the data
you can use RefreshingSubspaceStream
If a subspace (or part of a subspace) is modeled as a log and one wants to process the data once it arrives,InfinitePollingSubspaceSource
may become useful.
will stream the data from the subspace (or from part of a subspace).
Once it reaches the last element it will try to resume from the last seen value.
val processEntityFlow: Flow[Entity, Entity, NotUsed] = ???
val commitOffsetSink: Sink[Entity, NotUsed] = ???
val lastSeenKey: Array[Byte] = fetchLastSeenKey()
val source = Source[Entity, _] =
pollingInterval = 100.millis,
begin = KeySelector.firstGreaterThan(lastSeenKey))
Module example
contains implementation of Class Scheduling from FoundationDB website.
Contributors and help is always welcome!
Please make sure that issue exists for the functionality that you want to create (or bug that you want to fix),
and in the commit message please include issue number and issue title (e.g. “#1 Incorrect …”).
To run tests you’ll need a local FoundationDB instance running (here are installation instructions for Linux and macOS).
Then simply execute sbt test