项目描述 : Amazon Kinesis is a tool used for working with data in streams. It has a few features — Kinesis Firehose, Kinesis Analytics and Kinesis Streams and we will focus on creating and using a Kinesis firehose
To do this yourself you will need the below resources:
An active AWS account with kinesis firehose delivery stream, lambda function and S3.
Twitter developer account with an app created in it.
Keys and Tokens of the app created.
Steps to follow:
To create a firehose delivery stream go to services>>Analytics>>Kinesis>>DataFirehos>>CreateDeliveryStream(while creating firehose you need to provide a S3 location to store the data).
In this repository I have included a zip file(twitter_data.zip) to upload it to your lambda function which includes all the required python packages and their dependencies.
After uploading the zip file into your lambda function console you can edit the code inline and provide required details.
Don’t forget to attach required policies to your aws role which will be used to execute your lambda function and update the handler to twitter_data.lambda_handler to avoid import error.