streamdeck Countdown Timers
A continuation of the javascript project twitchlightdash. Is pre-release type software, but it works. Currently a countdown timer that resets everytime the button is pressed.
Based on the analog clock example from elgato’s SDK.
There are three main settings, hydration & eyestrain - counts down for 20 mins with a blue and green semicircle, and a stretch - countsdown for 60 mins with a red needle.
changes in 0.4:
Now saves the time remaining between screen changes and app reloads
Streamdeck software V4.1+
Streamdeck, or streamdeck mini.
set the title dependant on which setting is chose.
Bug squash.
background image.
Add custom timer to the Property inspector.
Known issues:
Streamdeck SDK wont let me save in the will disapear event, so currently timers are saved every ten ish seconds.
Unknown Issues:
Many I’m sure