项目作者: nicopixel
项目描述 :
portfolio based on Gatsby with some Material UI customizations
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/nicopixel/nicopixel.git
nicopixel.com is my personal blog, a place where you can find short posts with a lot of information about Javascript, Node, React, Redux… and all that I want to remember.
nicopixel.com is based on Gatsby an excellent CMS built with the power of React and GarphQL. The template/theme that I’m using is a fork of gatsby-starter-lumen
Theme Features
- Lost Grid (peterramsing/lost).
- Beautiful typography inspired by matejlatin/Gutenberg.
- @mrmrs_/mobile-first-css-48bc4cc3f60f">Mobile-First approach in development.
- Stylesheet built using SASS and BEM-Style naming.
- Syntax highlighting in code blocks.
- Sidebar menu built using a configuration block.
- Archive organized by tags and categories.
- Automatic RSS generation.
- Automatic Sitemap generation.
- Offline support.
- Google Analytics support.
- Disqus Comments support.
Running in Development
If you want to run nicopixel.com locally you can use gatsby develop
Blog Screenshot

Design IDEA
nicopixel.com is based on the image of the crazy scientist

Work in progress
- About me page
- Form to let everyone send their amazing code snippets
- Search bar
- Optional feature image in posts