Collection of fundamental physical constants with uncertainties. It supports arbitrary-precision constants
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provides common physical constants. They are defined as
instances of the new Constant
type, which is subtype of AbstractQuantity
(from Unitful.jl
package) and can
also be turned into Measurement
objects (fromMeasurements.jl
package) at
Constants are grouped into different submodules, so that the user can choose
different datasets as needed. Currently, 2014, 2018, and 2022 editions of
CODATA recommended values of the
fundamental physical constants are provided.
The latest version of PhysicalConstants.jl
is available for Julia 1.0 and
later versions, and can be installed with Julia built-in package
manager. After entering the
package manager mode by pressing ]
, run the command
pkg> add PhysicalConstants
You can load the package as usual with using PhysicalConstants
but this module
does not provide anything useful for the end-users. You most probably want to
directly load the submodule with the dataset you are interested in. For
example, for CODATA 2022 load PhysicalConstants.CODATA2022
julia> using PhysicalConstants.CODATA2022
julia> SpeedOfLightInVacuum
Speed of light in vacuum (c_0)
Value = 2.99792458e8 m s^-1
Standard uncertainty = (exact)
Relative standard uncertainty = (exact)
Reference = CODATA 2022
julia> NewtonianConstantOfGravitation
Newtonian constant of gravitation (G)
Value = 6.6743e-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
Standard uncertainty = 1.5e-15 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2
Relative standard uncertainty = 2.2e-5
Reference = CODATA 2022
and NewtonianConstantOfGravitation
are two of thePhysicalConstant
s defined in the PhysicalConstants.CODATA2022
module, the
full list of available constants is given below.
s can be readily used in mathematical operations, using by
default their Float64
julia> import PhysicalConstants.CODATA2022: c_0, ε_0, μ_0
julia> 2 * ε_0
1.77083756376e-11 F m^-1
julia> ε_0 - 1 / (μ_0 * c_0 ^ 2)
1.0567555442791707e-23 A^2 s^4 kg^-1 m^-3
If you want to use a different precision for the value of the constant, use the
function float(float_type, constant)
, for example:
julia> float(Float32, ε_0)
8.854188f-12 F m^-1
julia> float(BigFloat, ε_0)
8.854187818800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000059e-12 F m^-1
julia> big(ε_0)
8.854187818800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000059e-12 F m^-1
julia> big(ε_0) - inv(big(μ_0) * big(c_0)^2)
1.056704162590924117341831987227432956066714823419574007586677144869010778731235e-23 A^2 s^4 kg^-1 m^-3
Note that big(constant)
is an alias for float(BigFloat, constant)
If in addition to units you also want the standard uncertainty associated with
the constant, use measurement(x)
julia> using Measurements
julia> import PhysicalConstants.CODATA2022: h, ħ
julia> measurement(ħ)
1.0545718176461565e-34 ± 0.0 J s
julia> measurement(Float32, ħ)
1.0545718e-34 ± 0.0 J s
julia> measurement(BigFloat, ħ)
1.054571817646156391262428003302280744722826330020413122421923470598435912734741e-34 ± 0.0 J s
julia> measurement(BigFloat, ħ) / (measurement(BigFloat, h) / (2 * big(pi)))
1.0 ± 0.0
For more information read the
which includes the full list of constants defined by the package.
The PhysicalConstants.jl
package is licensed under the MIT “Expat” License.
The original author is Mosè Giordano.