Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) file support for Julia
Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) support for Julia
Note: The Libcfitsio
submodule has been moved to CFITSIO.jl and will be deprecated in a future release.
For more in-depth usage and examples, see the documentation
julia> using FITSIO
julia> f = FITS("file.fits")
File: file.fits
Mode: "w" (read-write)
HDUs: Num Name Type
1 Image
2 Table
julia> f[1]
File: file.fits
HDU: 1
Type: Image
Datatype: Float64
Datasize: (800, 800)
# read an image from disk
julia> data = read(f[1]);
# read just a subset of image
julia> data = read(f[1], :, 790:end);
# Get info about binary table
julia> f[2]
File: file.fits
HDU: 2
Type: Table
Rows: 20
Columns: Name Size Type TFORM
col2 String 5A
col1 Int64 1K
# Read a column from the table:
julia> data = read(f[2], "col1")
# Read the entire header into memory
julia> header = read_header(f[1]);
julia> header["NAXIS1"] # get value by keyword
julia> header[4] # get value by position
# Read single keys into memory
julia> read_key(f[1], 4) # by position
("NAXIS1",800,"length of data axis 1")
julia> read_key(f[1], "NAXIS1") # by keyword
(800,"length of data axis 1")
# write data to file
julia> FITS("new_file.fits", "w") do f
write(f, data)