Visualization of astronomical images
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allows you load and visualize images from a
astronomical FITS
files using the
popular Images.jl
and Plots.jl
Julia packages.AstroImages.jl
uses FITSIO.jl
read FITS files.
is available for Julia 1.6 and later versions, and can be
installed with Julia built-in package
pkg> add AstroImages
You may also need to install ImageIO.jl
for images to display in certain environments.
After installing the package, you can start using it with
julia> using AstroImages
Images will automatically display in many environments, including VS Code, Jupyter, and Pluto.
If you’re using a REPL, you may want to install an external viewer like ImageShow.jl, ElectronDisplay.jl,
or ImageInTerminal.jl.
You can load and read the the first image extension of a FITS file with the load
function, from FileIO.jl
julia> load("file.fits")
1300×1200 Array{UInt16,2}:
You may also pass an explicit extension number to load, which will return the data of that extension (image or table)
Read the third extension of the file with:
julia> load("file.fits", 3)
1300×1200 Array{UInt16,2}:
The package provides a type, AstroImage
to integrate FITS images with
Julia packages for plotting and image processing. The AstroImage
function has
the same syntax as load
. This command:
julia> img = AstroImage("file.fits")
will read the first valid extension from the file.fits
also works if the file extension is not .fit
or .fits
, e.g. if it’s a compressed FITS file with extension .fits.gz
You can load data in any format supported by FITSIO.jl / the FITSIO c library.
If you are working in a Jupyter notebook, an AstroImage
object is
automatically rendered as a PNG image.
You can extract a WCSTransform object from the image using wcs(img,1)
FITS Headers can be accessed directly from an AstroImage:
julia> img["HEAD1"] = 1.0
julia> img["HEAD1",Comment] = "A comment describes the meaning of a header keyword"
julia> img["HEAD1"]
julia> push!(img, History, "We can record the history of processes applied to this image in header HISTORY entries.")
Any AbstractArray (including an AstroImage) can be displayed using imview
. This function renders an
arbitrary array into an array of RGBA
values using a number of parameters. If the input is an AstroImage{<:Number},
an AstroImage{RGBA} will be returned that retains headers, WCS information, etc.
julia> imview(img; clims=Percent(99.5), cmap=:magma, stretch=identity, contrast=1.0, bias=0.5)
Very large Images are automatically downscaled to ensure consistent performance using restrict
from Images.jl. This function filters the data before downscaling to prevent aliasing, so it may take a moment for truly huge images. In these cases, a faster method that doesn’t prevent aliasing would be imview(img[begin
or similar.end, begin
is called automatically on AstroImage{<:Number}
when using a Julia environment with rich graphical IO capabilities (e.g. VSCode, Jupyter, Pluto, etc.).
The defaults for this case can be modified using AstroImages.set_clims!(...)
, AstroImages.set_cmap!(...)
, and AstroImages.set_stretch!(...)
A color composite image (e.g. RGB) can be constructed using the composecolors
julia> rgb = composecolors([img1, img2, img3])
Where img1
, img2
, img3
are arrays or AstroImages containing data of red, blue and green channels respectively.
also supports more complex mappings, for example merging two bands according to color schemes from
See the docs for more information.
An AstroImage
object can be plotted with Plots.jl
package. Just use
julia> using Plots
julia> implot(img)
and the image will be displayed as an image series using your favorite backend.
Plotly, PyPlot, and GR backends have been tested.
supports all the same syntax as imview
in addition to keyword arguments
for controlling axis tick marks, WCS grid lines, and the colorbar.
If your FITS file contains world coordinate system headers, AstroImages.jl can use WCS.jl to convert between pixel and world coordinates.
This works even if you have sliced or your image to select a region of interest:
julia> img_slice = img[100:200,100:200]
julia> coords_world = pix_to_world(img_slice, [5,5])
[..., ...]
julia> world_to_pix(img_slice, coords_world)
[5.0,5.0] # approximately
This package has changed significantly between 0.2 and 0.3 with a new AstroImage type, new recipes, and a new approach to rendering.
, which returns a view with those settings applied.render
has been replaced by imview
. ccd2rgb
has been subsumed into composecolors
.The AstroImages.jl
package is licensed under the MIT “Expat” License. The
original author is Mosè Giordano.