项目作者: underscoreio

项目描述 :
Template for Underscore eBooks
高级语言: CoffeeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/underscoreio/underscore-ebook-template.git
创建时间: 2015-02-16T11:24:36Z



Underscore eBook Template

Copyright 2016 Underscore Consulting LLP.

Source code licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Creative Commons Licence
Template content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Template for Underscore eBooks, based on Node, Pandoc, and Grunt.
See the source code for Creative Scala
for a complete example of use.

Configuration Guide

The following settings are supported a book’s metadata.yaml:

Key Value
title String
author String, multiple authors represented as: Name and Name
date String, publication identifier such as: Early Access May 2015
filenameStem String, filename used for HTML, EPUB, PDF output. E.g., essential-play
copyright String, copyright year or range: 2015 or 2011-2015.
tocDepth Integer, number of levels for table of contents. E.g., 3
coverColor String, colour of PDF cover. E.g., F58B40
pages Array, list of pages in rendering order
previewPages Array, list of pages for the preview versions in rendering order.


This template uses a Docker container to allow setup without (much) agony.

You’ll need Docker Machine if you’re running on Windows or OS X. Setup a VM to run Docker containers using Docker Machine (you will probably do this as part of the Docker Machine install):

  1. docker-machine create --driver virtualbox default

Check you have a running machine.

  1. docker-machine ls

If you don’t have one running, start one and setup the environment.

  1. docker-machine start default
  2. docker-machine env default

Build the image for the book environment

  1. docker build -t underscore/book .

Now copy docker-compose.yml to the root of the book you’re working on and run it.

  1. docker-compose run book bash

This will setup a shared filesystem so the material on your local filesystem can be seen by the Docker container and turned into a book, and give a bash prompt to interact with the Docker container.

  1. sbt pdf

to generate a PDF version of the book you’re working on.