Smart Door Lock based on the person at door recognized using rpi and aws rekognition api
Recognition of person using face recognition system, using raspberry pi camera module,deploying
the data over AWS cloud computing platform.
1) Raspberry Pi 3B
2) Raspberry Pi Camera Module v2
3) LED
4) Ethernet Cable
5) Jumper Wires
6) Breadboard
1) Raspbian
2) AWS Cloud Platform
3) Rekognition API
4) S3 Cloud Storage Platform
5) Boto 3
• An automated unlocking system of doors which unlocks the door if the image of person
standing outside is recognised else sends notifies owner of a stranger outside his/her
System should analyse the image of the stranger standing outside the house. If the image
matches to the database door should unlock else notify owner.
System should perform local analysis of data. Images of faces are sent to cloud for analysis.