项目作者: askbuddie

项目描述 :
Temporary Email Service Within Terminal
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/askbuddie/ABMails.git
创建时间: 2019-04-01T13:57:44Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



:information_source: ABOUT

Ask Buddie Mails / ABMails helps you to create temporary or
disposable e-mail with a certain lifetime.It does not require
registration so you can do anything instantly and save your precious
time. ABmails can be used to register on dubious sites,create social
media accounts and for many other purpose without using your
real e-mail account.

ABMails uses two sites ;

:email: FEATURES

  1. ABMails can create e-mail with more than 10 different domains.

  2. Allow you to create an e-mail with custom name and domain.

  3. Instantly create a random e-mail with random name and domain.

  4. Allow you to save all mails received in a text file.

:warning: Requirements

Selenium requires a driver to interface with the chosen browser.

For Firefox

Firefox requires geckodriver, which needs to be installed .

  • Windows

    • Download and extract the zip file of geckodriver
      and copy geckodriver.exe file in c://windows.
  • Linux

    • Download and extract the zip file of geckodriver
      and copy the extracted file in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.
      Make sure to give executive permission to the geckodriver with the command;
      chmod +x geckodriver

For Chrome

Chrome requires chromedriver,which needs to be installed .

  • Windows

    • Download and extract the zip file of chromedriver
      and copy chromedriver.exe file in c://windows.
  • Linux

    • Download and extract the zip file of chromedriver
      and copy the extracted file in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.
      Make sure to give executive permission to the geckodriver with the command;
      chmod +x chromedriver

:floppy_disk: Get Started

  • clone this repo by typing this command in terminal
  1. git clone https://github.com/askbuddie/ABMails.git
  • you also have to install the dependencies for running ABMails by running
  1. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • when you have cloned the repo, simply run the .py file in terminal .
  1. $ python3 abmails.py

now ABMails expects an arguments to be passed which defines what proccess you are doing.


  1. [ Basic Options ]
  2. --receive Allow you to receive temporary mails
  3. --help Show this options and exit
  4. --about About the program
  5. [ Optional ]
  6. -s,--save Save the mails in a text file
  7. -n,--cname Set your custom username for email
  8. -d,--cdomain Set your custom domain name for email
  9. -t,--ctime Set your custom time to refresh

You are supposed to pass only one argument from Basic options. Pass the optional
options if only ‘—receive’ is taken from basic options. Optional options are
optional arguments , you can leave it or pass it according to your wish.

Usage: python3 abmails.py [ Basic Option ] [ Optional Option(s) ]

Eg: python3 abmails.py —receive -n -d

:heart: Contribution

You wanna contribute to the project? Great to hear that.

please refer to our Contribution Guide here


ABMails is a program created by AskBuddie Open Source Program Teams.
Ask Buddie is a technology community found in May 16, 2017. Since our
founding, we have been providing online solutions and guidance to our
users related to technology. Our mission is to create a large community
of technology enthusiast people to provide support in less time.

Join our community on Facebook

:octocat: Author

  • Ask Buddie

:octocat: Primary Contributor

:stars: Contributors

Hemanta Pokharel

Hemanta Pokharel

Rohit Joshi

Rohit Joshi

Muna Puri

Muna Puri

Anurag Hazra

Anurag Hazra

Ashish Yadav

Ashish Yadav

Pradeep Bhattarai

Pradeep Bhattarai

:heart: AskBuddie