项目作者: moazzamhossain7

项目描述 :
Restful API build using laravel and make Oauth authentication using passport
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/moazzamhossain7/rest-api-with-laravel-passport.git

Rest API with Laravel 5.7

A RESTful API boilerplate for Laravel 5.7. Features included:

  • Users Resource
  • OAuth2 Authentication using Laravel Passport
  • Scope based Authorization
  • Validation
  • Pagination
  • Seeding Database With Model Factory
  • Event Handling
  • Sending Mail using Mailable class
  • Endpoint Tests


  • composer
  • php(version>=7.2)
  • mysql

Install Laravel

  1. $ composer create-project laravel/laravel rest_api

Install passport

  1. $ composer require laravel/passport

Run the Artisan migrate command:

  1. $ php artisan migrate

Create “personal access” and “password grant” clients which will be used to generate access tokens:

  1. $ php artisan passport:install

Use HasApiTokens in user model for authentication:

  1. use Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens

You can find those clients in oauth_clients table.

API Routes

HTTP Method Path Action Scope Desciption
GET /users index users:list Get all users
POST /users store users:create Create an user
GET /users/{user} show users:read Fetch an user by id
PUT /users/{user} update users:write Update an user by id
DELETE /users/{user} destroy users:delete Delete an user by id

Note: users/me is a special route for getting current authenticated user.
And for all User routes ‘users’ scope is available if you want to perform all actions.