Convert black-and-white Noto Emoji to SVG icons 🔨
A small set of scripts to convert the black-and-white Noto Emoji (NotoEmoji-Regular.ttf
) file into SVG.
Note: Noto Emoji Color SVG can be found in the noto-emoji repo.
Emoji glyphs from this SVG font are converted to separate SVG paths in /svg
A mapping of emoji filenames to categories based on data from the emoji-data project is available in /json
These files can be downloaded from the releases page.
To recreate the SVG font and glyph paths, the following dependencies are required:
Run the
script to convert the ttf
to svg
and generate the category mapping json
$ git clone
$ cd noto-emoji-regular-to-svg/
$ sh ./
The Noto Emoji font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, version 1.1. The Noto Emoji font is the work of Google Inc.
Code is licensed under Apache license, version 2.0 and modified code under the Apache license is used. Emoji categorization is performed based on data available under the MIT license.