项目作者: openSUSE

项目描述 :
Manipulate repositories in QAM refhosts
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/openSUSE/repose.git
创建时间: 2016-07-21T11:03:43Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0




Manipulate repositories in QAM refhosts


Repose is a tools for querying and manipulation of repositories in SUSE QA Maintenance reference machines.

Repose allows for manipulation of repositories in refhosts requiring only a running sshd and zypper installed on them


  1. zypper ar -f http://download.suse.de/ibs/QA:/Maintenance/$DISTRO/ qam-infra
  2. zypper -n in repose

Internal Functionality

Repose reports or modifies the package repositories in one or more refhosts
based on installed products (/etc/products.d/), repository configuration (/etc
/zypp/repos.d), and user input; commands are sent via ssh.

Three steps are conducted by repose:

  1. refhost is queried
  2. product info is provided back to repose
  3. repose executes zypper commands on refhost

Getting Help

oFor repose itself as well as for its commands you can use:

-h Display this message
—help Display full help

Using parameter –-help will open up a man page.

General Usage

Usage of repose is pretty straightforward.

repose COMMAND options [-h] -t HOST REPA

add add specified repository to target
remove remove repository from target
reset reset target repositories to only installed products repositories
install add specified repository to target and install product
clear clear all repositories from target
uninstall remove specified repository from target and uninstall product
list-products list products on target
list-repos list repositories on target
known-products list known products by ‘repose’

‘’HOST’’ is supposed to be added in format root@fubar.suse.cz. You can add multiple hosts
‘’REPA’’ is REpository PAttern. You can use multiple patterns.
You can also add specific versions after colon.
For example:
SLES 12 SP2: SLES:12-SP2
You can find more at /etc/repose/products.yml

Most Common Usage Examples

Setup of repositories on refhost:

  1. repose reset -t fubar.suse.cz
  2. repose install -t fubar.suse.cz qa

Adding SDK repository to SLE of any version:

  1. repose add -t fubar.suse.cz sle-sdk

Adding specificaly SDK repository of SLE 12 SP2:

  1. repose add -t fubar.suse.cz sle-sdk:12-SP2

Adding multiple add-ons on multiple machines:

  1. repose add -t fubar.suse.cz -t snafu.suse.cz qa sle-sdk

Additional modules: sle-module-toolchain - sle-module-public-cloud - sle-module-legacy - sle-module-hpc - sle-module-containers - sle-module-
adv-systems-management - sle-live-patching - sle-bsk - sle-ha - sle-we - sle-web-scripting

Show products in yaml format needed for refhost.yaml genetor:

  1. repose list-products --yaml -t foobar.suse.cz


This project is licensed under the GPLv3 license, see LICENSE file for