项目作者: hippopotamus-prime

项目描述 :
Open source Breakout-style game for PalmOS devices, written in C with a little 68k assembly. First released in 2003.
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/hippopotamus-prime/prison.git
创建时间: 2021-04-10T18:24:29Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


The Prison

An open source Breakout-style game for PalmOS



The Prison is a Breakout-style game featuring a wide assortment of
power-ups, special bricks, and other oddities.

For the uninitiated, the object of the game is to destroy bricks by
bouncing a ball (or in this case, a little man trapped in a ball) into
them, while keeping the ball from falling off the bottom of the screen.

One of the (relatively) unique points in The Prison’s gameplay is that
you don’t need to hit every brick to complete a level; instead you just
need to hit the top border a few times.

Free Software

The Prison is free software as described by the GNU General Public
License (v3). See LICENSE.md for details.

The color background graphics (gfx/bg[0-3]_color.bmp) are from public domain

System Requirements

Feature System Requirements
2-bit grayscale OS 3.0
8-bit color OS 3.5 (and hardware capable of displaying color)


By default, the controls are set up as follows:

Button Action
To Do List Move right
Memo Pad Move right (fast)
Address Book Move left
Date Book Move left (fast)
Up Release the ball
Down Pause

The game will also respond to pen input, by moving the paddle to where ever
you tap.


The settings menu is accessible from the title screen or by the in-game
menu. The controls for sound volume and the keys should be fairly
self-explanatory. As for the rest:

Setting Description
Difficulty Controls the speed of the ball in-game, as well as the scoring. Nightmare difficulty also adds gravity. The setting only takes effect when starting a new game.
Pen Control Determines how the game responds to pen taps in the display area (but not Graffiti).
Autosave If checked, any games in progress are saved when you exit the program and restored the next time the program is run.
Date High Scores If checked, the default name for high scores has the current date appended to it, if there is enough space for both the name and the date.
Background If checked, a background picture is tiled behind the bricks. (Color devices only.)
Compatibility Mode If checked, API calls are used to draw the game’s graphics, instead of faster assembly routines. Generally, you should leave this off unless there are graphical errors. (This option is not present on hi-res and non-68k devices.)
Graffiti Control If checked, the game will respond to pen input in the Graffiti area, by moving the paddle. (Not present if the game can’t figure out where the Graffiti area is, and even if it can, it probably won’t be in exactly the right place.)


The game was originally developed with PRC Tools, which
unfortunately has not been maintained for modern operating systems. An easy alternative to build
it is to use prc-tools-remix. The project offers pre-built
binaries for 64-bit Ubuntu/Debian systems and a convenient setup script to install the Palm SDK.

Run make all to build prison.prc, then transfer it to a PalmOS device
or the Palm OS Emulator.