MNIST Handwritten Digits Classification
The goal of this notebook is to analyze a classification model with the MNIST data, so in this notebook, i will detect one number from MNIST data set using binary classifiers (A classifier is an algorithm of machine learning that will determine the class to which the input data belongs to, based on a set of features). And then i will evaluate the measures of performance, and choose the model that have a great accuracy.
In This notebook, i will use the most popular machine learning approches to solve this classification problem by using the sklearn library.
In this notebook I am using the MNIST Digits dataset is an open dataset and is available in Kaggle which can be accessed from the link below.
The dataset consists of 10 classes of handwritten Images pictures each with a number between 0-9, and each image has 784 features, this is beacuse each image is 28*28 pixels.
A very easy way to install these packages is to download and install the Conda distribution. This distribution of conda is available on all platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac OSX).
The main libraries involved in this notebook are:
-NumPy : for multidimensional array computing
-Pandas : for data manipulation
-SciKit-Learn : for machine learning Techniques
-Matplotlib : for data visualization
Workflow steps:
The Project consist of four files:
Explore and Preprocess the data set.ipynb
Visualizing, Spliting the data set and Training the model .ipynb
Model Evaluation.ipynb
Submit the results.ipynb