A Swift DSL for generating HTML and CSS documents
HyperSwift (name pending) is a DSL written purely in Swift aimed to generate HTML styled with CSS.
VStack(justify: .center, align: .center) {
HStack(justify: .spaceEvenly, align: .center) {
Image(url: “/images/error_bomb.png”)
Header(.header3) { “HTTP 500” }
.font(weight: “bold”, size: 40, family: “SF Mono”)
.margin(5, .percent)
.shadow(x: 20, y: 30, color: GColors.cardShadow)
.border(width: 1, color: .black)

#### CSS
To add CSS to the stylesheet, you have to call one of the functions defined in [CSSExtensions.swift](/Sources/HyperSwift/API/CSS/CSSExtensions.swift).
If an element has a class name, the styles will automatically be added to [CSSStyleSheet.swift](/Sources/HyperSwift/API/CSS/CSSStyleSheet.swift)'s stylesheet.
Calling `.generateStyleSheet()` on [CSSStyleSheet.swift](/Sources/HyperSwift/API/CSS/CSSStyleSheet.swift) will return a string containing the stylesheet.
#### Examples
HyperSwift is being used on [garrepi.dev](https://www.garrepi.dev) as we speak! Checkout the source code [here](https://github.com/johngarrett/garrepi.dev/).
#### Usage
in your `Package.swift`:
. . .
.package(url: "https://github.com/johngarrett/HyperSwift", .branch("main")),
. . .
I would love help with this — there’s a lot that needs to get done.
I have little free time and an even little-er ability to focus on one project. Feel free to send in a PR with ideas, suggestions, or actual code!
reach out to me on twitter if you have questions I can answer