An employee application with Spring Boot and jOOQ :)
An Employee CRUD application using Spring Boot and jOOQ :)
Kindly make sure the below softwares are installed.
Run the below commands in terminal or cmd prompt.
docker pull postgres
.docker run --name postgres-instance -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_USER=user -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
.docker exec -it postgres-instance /bin/bash
.psql -U user
.create database employee;
.\c employee
.mvn generate-sources -P local
.mvn clean install -P local
is mentioned, because it will pick all the DB properties from the local properties under /EmployeeJooq/src/main/resources/
.Run Standalone Postgres instance using Docker
generation can be done with mvn clean install -P local
.docker-compose up --build
instance (Make sure not to have any instance running in the same port mentioned) and starts the EmployeeJooq
and test the API’s available.