Python based API using eve-sqlalchemy for TAP
Backend API code for
Python3 based API using eve-sqlalchemy and tensorflow
Thank you to everyone who attended my talk at this year’s HomebrewCon.
I’ll be working over the next few days on getting any remaining code/data deployed, as well as setting licenses and documentation.
Installing eve-sqlalchemy: pip install eve-sqlalchemy
Installing tensorflow: pip install tensorflow
Depending on your setup, you may also need the sqlalchemy drivers for your database.
Starting the API: python
[CondaEnv] PS C:\TheArtOfPour\TheArtOfPour-API> python .\
Using TensorFlow backend.
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Available endpoints
"style": "stout",
"confidence": 61.5
"style": "blonde ale",
"confidence": 0.9
"style": "american pale ale",
"confidence": 2.4
"style": "porter",
"confidence": 4.8
"style": "wheat beer",
"confidence": 0.2
"style": "imperial ipa",
"confidence": 4.1
"style": "american ipa",
"confidence": 4.1
"style": "brown ale",
"confidence": 4.1
"style": "saison",
"confidence": 0.1
"style": "kölsch/cream ale",
"confidence": 0.2
"style": "pilsner/bock",
"confidence": 0.1
"style": "american amber ale",
"confidence": 3
"style": "bitter",
"confidence": 1.1
"style": "specialty beer",
"confidence": 13.3
In progress