项目作者: intuitivetechnologygroup

项目描述 :
test harness for salt formulas
高级语言: Makefile
项目地址: git://github.com/intuitivetechnologygroup/formula-test-harness.git
创建时间: 2018-02-22T19:43:29Z

开源协议:MIT License


Salt Formula Test Harness

Run as many pytest suites that you need to run in a clean, isolated environment.

Build Status


make is on your system and available. If it is not or you are not sure what
make is, this is a good place to start.

Project Setup

Clone this repository:
  1. cd /path/to/project
  2. mkdir tmp
  3. git clone https://github.com/intuitivetechnologygroup/formula-test-harness.git tmp/formula-test-harness
Copy essentials:

Merge the files if they already exist in the project.
Replace FORMULA-NAME with the name of your formula.

  1. cd /path/to/project
  2. mkdir -p tests/srv/salt
  3. cp -r tmp/formula-test-harness/tools tools
  4. cp -r tmp/formula-test-harness/tests/pytests tests/pytests
  5. cp tmp/formula-test-harness/.gitignore .gitignore
  6. cp tmp/formula-test-harness/.travis.yml .travis.yml
  7. sed -i '' 's/example/FORMULA-NAME/' .travis.yml
  8. cp tmp/formula-test-harness/Makefile Makefile
  9. sed -i '' 's/example/FORMULA-NAME/' Makefile
  10. cp tmp/formula-test-harness/tests/srv/salt/top.sls tests/srv/salt/top.sls
  11. sed -i '' 's/example/FORMULA-NAME/' tests/srv/salt/top.sls

Project File Structure

  1. .
  2. ├── example
  3. ├── init.sls
  4. └── pkg.sls
  5. ├── tests
  6. ├── pytests
  7. └── apply-all-tests
  8. ├── __init__.py
  9. └── test_000_apply_state.py
  10. └── srv
  11. ├── pillar
  12. ├── example
  13. └── init.sls
  14. └── top.sls
  15. └── salt
  16. └── top.sls
  17. ├── tools
  18. ├── templates
  19. └── Dockerfile.j2
  20. ├── filltmpl.py
  21. └── run-tests.sh
  22. ├── .gitignore
  23. ├── .travis.yml
  24. └── Makefile


  • Create your test sequences in tests/pytests/.
  • The file structures should be setup the same way as any other python unit tests.
  • Each test suite is essentially it’s own python package so it must contain an __init__.py file.
  • All test files must be in prefixed with test_.



Start a virtualenv

  1. pip install -U virtualenv
  2. virtualenv .venv
  3. source .venv/bin/activate

Install local requirements

  1. make setup

Utility Implementations

Tool Configuration


Add any package installation requirements here.


Add the shell commands to run the tests here.

Execution Files

The tooling config/execution files should be placed under ./tests/<util-name>/*


First, follow the Development Setup instructions.

Run Tests

Tests will be run on the following base images:

  • simplyadrian/allsalt:centos_master_2017.7.2
  • simplyadrian/allsalt:debian_master_2017.7.2
  • simplyadrian/allsalt:opensuse_master_2017.7.2
  • simplyadrian/allsalt:ubuntu_master_2016.11.3
  • simplyadrian/allsalt:ubuntu_master_2017.7.2
Run the tests
  • make test-centos_master_2017.7.2
  • make test-debian_master_2017.7.2
  • make test-opensuse_master_2017.7.2
  • make test-ubuntu_master_2016.11.3
  • make test-ubuntu_master_2017.7.2

Run Interactive Containers

  • make local-centos_master_2017.7.2
  • make local-debian_master_2017.7.2
  • make local-opensuse_master_2017.7.2
  • make local-ubuntu_master_2016.11.3
  • make local-ubuntu_master_2017.7.2

Continuous Integration

Build Status

Continuous integration details are available on Travis CI.


Dockerfile Template

Rendering a dockerfile:

  1. python tools/filltmpl.py {formula-name} {image-tag}


Contributions are welcome!

Review the Contributing Guidelines for details on how to:

  • Submit issues
  • Submit pull requests