项目作者: ccd97

项目描述 :
Image classification using Tensorflow (Inception v3)
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/ccd97/image-classify-server.git
创建时间: 2016-11-26T10:23:54Z




Image classification with Web API and UI.

It’s is written in Django along with Tensorflow uing Google’s Inception v3 model

The web interface is made using materializecss and jQuery

It is extension of this project.


To run the server on localhost:

  1. $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. $ python3 manage.py collectstatic
  3. $ python3 manage.py runserver

Web Interface

The Web Interface can be found at http://tf-classify.herokuapp.com


You can classify using web API by sending a POST request at http://tf-classify.herokuapp.com/classify_image/classify/api/


Parameter Type Description
image file Image file that you want to classify.
image64 text Image in base64 form that you want to classify. Currently supports JPEG images only
k text
(optional, default=10)
Return top-k categories of the results. Must me string in integer format.

Note: you need to send either ‘image’ or ‘image64’


Parameter Type Description
success bool Whether classification was sucessfuly or not
confidence category, float pair of category and it’s confidence

Note: category is not paramater name but string of the category.

Example: {“success”: true, “confidence”: { “mongoose”: 0.87896, “hare”: 0.00123 }}

Using Retrained Inception Model

  • Retrain the model using your images. Refer here.
  • Fork this repo
  • Replace the generated graph and label files in /classify_image/inception_model/
  • Deploy the Django project


I am just beginner. If you find any bugs or want to improve the project, fell free to do it uisng pull request.