A simple API wrapper for Shopify using Guzzle for REST and GraphQL
A simple, tested, API wrapper for Shopify using Guzzle.
It supports both the sync/async REST and GraphQL API provided by Shopify, basic rate limiting, and request retries.
It contains helpful methods for generating a installation URL, an authorize URL (offline and per-user), HMAC signature validation, call limits, and API requests.
It works with both OAuth and private API apps.
The recommended way to install is through composer.
composer require gnikyt/basic-shopify-api
This assumes you properly have your app setup in the partner’s dashboard with the correct keys and redirect URIs.
For REST calls, the shop domain and access token are required.
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\BasicShopifyAPI;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Options;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Session;
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session('example.myshopify.com', 'access-token-here'));
// Now run your requests...
$result = $api->rest(...);
For REST calls, the shop domain and access token are required.
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\BasicShopifyAPI;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Options;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Session;
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session('example.myshopify.com', 'access-token-here'));
// Now run your requests...
$promise = $api->restAsync(...);
$promise->then(function (array $result) {
// ...
For GraphQL calls, the shop domain and access token are required.
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\BasicShopifyAPI;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Options;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Session;
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session('example.myshopify.com', 'access-token-here'));
// Now run your requests...
$result = $api->graph(...);
For GraphQL calls, the shop domain and access token are required.
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\BasicShopifyAPI;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Options;
use Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Session;
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session('example.myshopify.com', 'access-token-here'));
// Now run your requests...
$promise = $api->graphAsync(...);
$promise->then(function (array $result) {
// ...
This is the default mode which returns a permanent token.
After obtaining the user’s shop domain, to then direct them to the auth screen use getAuthUrl
, as example (basic PHP):
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session($_SESSION['shop']));
$code = $_GET['code'];
if (!$code) {
* No code, send user to authorize screen
* Pass your scopes as an array for the first argument
* Pass your redirect URI as the second argument
$redirect = $api->getAuthUrl(env('SHOPIFY_API_SCOPES'), env('SHOPIFY_API_REDIRECT_URI'));
header("Location: {$redirect}");
} else {
// We now have a code, lets grab the access token
// You can now make API calls
$request = $api->rest('GET', '/admin/shop.json'); // or GraphQL
You can also change the grant mode to be per-user
as outlined in Shopify documentation. This will receieve user info from the user of the app within the Shopify store. The token recieved will expire at a specific time.
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session($_SESSION['shop']));
$code = $_GET['code'];
if (!$code) {
* No code, send user to authorize screen
* Pass your scopes as an array for the first argument
* Pass your redirect URI as the second argument
* Pass your grant mode as the third argument
$redirect = $api->getAuthUrl(env('SHOPIFY_API_SCOPES'), env('SHOPIFY_API_REDIRECT_URI'), 'per-user');
header("Location: {$redirect}");
} else {
// We now have a code, lets grab the access object
// You can now make API calls
$request = $api->rest('GET', '/admin/shop.json'); // or GraphQL
Simply pass in an array of GET params.
// Will return true or false if HMAC signature is good.
$valid = $api->verifyRequest($_GET);
This assumes you properly have your app setup in the partner’s dashboard with the correct keys and redirect URIs.
For REST (sync) calls, shop domain, API key, and API password are request
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
$options->setType(true); // Makes it private
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session($_SESSION['shop']));
// Now run your requests...
$result = $api->rest(...);
For GraphQL calls, shop domain and API password are required.
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
$options->setType(true); // Makes it private
// Create the client and session
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->setSession(new Session($_SESSION['shop']));
// Now run your requests...
$result = $api->graph(...);
Requests are made using Guzzle.
$api->rest(string $type, string $path, ?array $params = null, array $headers = [], bool $sync = true);
// or $api->getRestClient()->request(....);
refers to GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etcpath
refers to the API path, example: /admin/products/1920902.json
refers to an array of params you wish to pass to the path, examples: ['handle' => 'cool-coat']
refers to an array of custom headers you would like to optionally send with the request, example: ['X-Shopify-Test' => '123']
refers to if the request should be synchronous or asynchronous.You can use the alias restAsync
to skip setting sync
to false
The return value for the request will be an array containing:
the full Guzzle response objectbody
the JSON decoded response body (\Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\ResponseAccess instance)errors
if any errors are detected, true/falseexception
if errors are true, exception object is availablestatus
the HTTP status codelink
an array of previous/next pagination values, if availableNote: request()
will alias to rest()
as well.
The return value for the request will be a Guzzle promise which you can handle on your own.
The return value for the promise will be an object containing:
the full Guzzle response objectbody
the JSON decoded response body (\Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\ResponseAccess instance)errors
if any errors are detected, true/falseexception
if errors are true, exception object is availablestatus
the HTTP status codelink
an array of previous/next pagination values, if available
$promise = $api->restAsync(...);
$promise->then(function (array $result) {
// `response` and `body`, etc are available in `$result`.
If you require the need to force a query string for example on a non-GET endpoint, you can specify the type as a key.
$api->rest('PUT', '/admin/themes/12345/assets.json', ['query' => [...]]);
Valid keys are query
and json
If you’d like to pass additional request options to the Guzzle client created, pass them as the second argument of the constructor.
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// ...
$options->setGuzzleOptions(['connect_timeout' => 3.0]);
// Create the client
$api = new BasicShopifyApi($options);
Requests are made using Guzzle.
$api->graph(string $query, array $variables = []);
refers to the full GraphQL queryvariables
refers to the variables used for the query (if any)The return value for the request will be an object containing:
the full Guzzle response objectbody
the JSON decoded response body (\Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\ResponseAccess instance)errors
if there was errors or not, will return the errors if any are foundstatus
the HTTP status codeExample query:
$result = $api->graph('{ shop { product(first: 1) { edges { node { handle, id } } } } }');
echo $result['body']['shop']['products']['edges'][0]['node']['handle']; // test-product
// or echo $result['body']->shop->products->edges[0]->node->handle;
Example mutation:
$result = $api->graph(
'mutation collectionCreate($input: CollectionInput!) { collectionCreate(input: $input) { userErrors { field message } collection { id } } }',
['input' => ['title' => 'Test Collection']]
echo $result['body']['collectionCreate']['collection']['id']; // gid://shopify/Collection/63171592234
// or echo $result['body']->collectionCreate->collection->id;
This library supports versioning the requests, example:
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
$options->setVersion('2020-01'); // YYYY-MM or "unstable" is accepted
// Create the client
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
You can override the versioning at anytime for specific API requests, example:
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// Create the client
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->rest('GET', '/admin/api/unstable/shop.json'); // Will ignore "2020-01" version and use "unstable" for this request
This library comes with a built-in basic rate limiter which utilizes usleep
between applicable calls.
To adjust the default limits, use the option class’ setRestLimit
and setGraphLimit
You simply need to disable the built-in rate limiter and push in a custom Guzzle middleware. Example:
$options = new Options();
// ...
// ...
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options);
$api->addMiddleware(new CustomRateLimiter($api), 'rate:limiting');
2019-07 API version introduced a new Link
header which is used for pagination (explained here).
If an endpoint supports page_info, you can use $response->link
to grab the page_info value to pass in your next request.
$response = $api->rest('GET', '/admin/products.json', ['limit' => 5]);
$link = $response['link']['next']; // eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo0MDkw
$link2 = $response['link']['previous']; // dkUIsk00wlskWKl
$response = $api->rest('GET', '/admin/products.json', ['limit' => 5, 'page_info' => $link]);
You can initialize the API once and use it for multiple shops. Each instance will be contained to not pollute the others. This is useful for something like background job processing.
$api->withSession(Session $newSession, Closure $closure);
will be binded to the closure. Example:
$api->withSession(new Session('someshop.myshopify.com', 'some-token'), function (): void {
$request = $this->rest('GET', '/admin/shop.json');
echo $request['body']['shop']['name']; // Some Shop
// $api->rest/graph will not be affected by the above code, it will use previously defined session
This library utilizes caseyamcl/guzzle_retry_middleware
middleware package.
By default, 429
, 500
and 503
errors will be retried twice.
For REST calls, it will utilize Shopify’s X-Retry-After
header to wait x seconds before retrying the call.
When all retries are exhasted, the standard response from the library will return where you can handle the error.
To change the status codes watched or the maximum number of retries, use the option class’ setGuzzleOptions
// Create options for the API
$options = new Options();
// ...
'max_retry_attempts' => 3, // Was 2
'retry_on_status' => [429, 503, 400], // Was 439, 503, 500
// Create the client
$api = new BasicShopifyApi($options);
This library internally catches only 400-500 status range errors through Guzzle. You’re able to check for an error of this type and get its response status code and body.
$call = $api->rest('GET', '/admin/non-existant-route-or-object.json');
if ($call['errors']) {
echo "Oops! {$call['status']} error";
// Original exception can be accessed via `$call['exception']`
// Example, if response body was `{"error": "Not found"}`...
/// then: `$call['body']` would return "Not Found"
This library takes advantage of using Guzzle middleware for request/response checks and modifications. You’re also able to inject middleware.
See Guzzle’s documentation on middleware. As well, you can browse this library’s middleware for examples.
For storing the current request times, API limits, request costs, etc. A basic in-memory array store is used Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Store\Memory
If you would like to implement a more advananced store such as one with Redis, simply implement Gnikyt\BasicShopifyAPI\Contracts\StateStorage
and set the client to use it, example:
$timeStore = new RedisStore();
$limitStore = new RedisStore();
$api = new BasicShopifyAPI($options, $timeStore, $limitStore);
Code documentation is available here from phpDocumentor via phpdoc -d src -t doc
This project is released under the MIT license.
Using Python? Check out basic_shopify_api.