crawl pages to check what is for lunch today
There are two hard things in computer science, cache invalidation and deciding
where to eat.
Ebédke is a Python web crawler that collects the daily menu from
restaurants’ webpages. The collected menus are cached in redis and can be viewed in
an HTML page or in JSON format with the included Flask app.
is a standalone script that will run a loop and update expired
pages every 30 seconds and then pushes them to redis. The
script is a
simple Flask app that lists daily menus read from redis.
The python packages dependencies can be found in pyproject.toml
and can be
managed with Poetry.
Use this command to install the dependencies:
poetry install
A Facebook app
is required to read posts from facebook pages.
A Google Cloud Vision API key is required for OCR capabilities.
API keys are stored in environment variables.
export EBEDKE_REDIS_HOST=localhost
export GOOGLE_API_KEY=apikey
Redis is required, please start redis-server
before running ebekde, running
without redis is not supported.
Running individual plugins is possible as standalone modules like this:
poetry run python -m ebedke.plugins.pqs
An additional arugment can be used to go back or forward in time:
poetry run python -m ebedke.plugins.pqs -3
The Flask dev server is enough for testing purposes but not recommended for
poetry run python -m ebedke.web
Subdomains can be easily be tested with the
Some tests are provided in the tests
directory, they can be run with pytest.
poetry run pytest
Type hints are also provided in many places, the project can be type-checked
with mypy checker.
poetry run mypy -p ebedke
I also recommend using the pylint python linter with my configuration file
poetry run pylint --rcfile=pylintrc ebedke
Plugins live in ebedke/plugins
as single python files. To add a new plugin
just drop a new file there following this plugin skeleton
from datetime import timedelta
from ebedke.pluginmanager import EbedkePlugin
def download_menu(today):
return ["menu line 1", "menu line 2"]
plugin = EbedkePlugin(
groups=["corvin"], # which subdomains it should show up
name='My Restaurant',
id='mrr', # a short id string
ttl=timedelta(hours=6), # how often should ebedke update the menu
cards=['szep'] # accepted cafeteria cards
coord=(47.4, 19.1) # GPS coordinates of the place
There is a pre-commit
git hook included in the resources directory. I
recommend using it to run all the tests and linters before commiting or if
thats a bit annoying then using it as a pre-push
ln -s ../../resources/git-hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks/
Using a production webserver with a wsgi server like gunicorn or uwsgi is
recommended. An example nginx config is included in the resources directory.
Example gunicron command line
gunicorn --bind= -w 4 ebedke.web:app
An ansible playbook is available in the resources
directroy that deploys aebedke
on Fedora linux.
The source code in the repository is licensed under either of
at your option.