项目作者: apache

项目描述 :
Apache Incubator Website
高级语言: CSS
项目地址: git://github.com/apache/incubator.git
创建时间: 2016-11-08T08:00:08Z



Apache Incubator Website

This is the content and build scripts for http://incubator.apache.org/

Contributing to the website content

You can fork from https://github.com/apache/incubator, test your changes as described below
and raise a pull request.

Use the general@incubator.apache.org"">general@incubator.apache.org mailing list to contact
the Incubator PMC which manages this website.

Automated publishing - Website and Clutch data

Commits to the master branch are automatically checked out and built using build_site.sh by the
Incubator GIT Site - part 2
Jenkins job. The results are pushed to the content folder of the asf-site branch
which is in turn published automatically to http://incubator.apache.org/ by the ASF’s gitwcsub mechanism.

The data for http://incubator.apache.org/clutch/ takes longer to build so it is handled by a separate
SVN Clutch Analysis - part 1
Jenkins job that runs the build_clutch.sh script that’s scheduled to run daily and is also triggered by svn changes using
the Trigger-Clutch-Analysis-on-SVN-Change
Jenkins job. The results are stored in the reserve folder of the asf-site branch

For now that Clutch data is still managed in svn, at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk/ , see
the build scripts for more info. The projects folder (podling status pages) and the ip-clearance folders are also still in svn
and the html is built using ant docs in the build_clutch.sh script.

Any build failures are reported to cvs@incubator.apache.org"">cvs@incubator.apache.org
mailing list.

Prerequisites for building the website locally

The website is built using JBake and Groovy templates.
The builds for the website do require internet access.

  • Install JBake from http://jbake.org/download.html
    • Currently it looks like version 2.6.0 or greater is required.
  • Create an environment variable JBAKE_HOME pointing to your JBake installation, e.g.
    • export JBAKE_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/jbake/2.6.4
  • Ensure that you have a JVM locally, e.g. OpenJDK

Building & testing the site locally

To test the site locally, use

  1. ./build_local.sh -b -s

This builds the site, serves it locally at http://localhost:8820/ and rebuilds the content fairly
quickly if any changes are made.

That script can be called with any of the arguments you would pass to jbake.

Building the Clutch and Legacy SVN Content (if you know what you’re doing)

Warning do not run the clutch build scripts unless you are sure you understand them, and please be careful not to commit any of the resulting assets and pages to the git master branch. That content and data is only committed to the asf-site
branch’s reservefolder as mentioned below.

The build_local_clutch.sh script can be used to build the Clutch data, but that’s updated automatically by the Jenkins
builds as build_clutch.sh mentioned below so it’s not required unless you want to test that.


Most of the pages in the site are written using Asciidoctor (those with file extension .ad).
While it is a form of asciidoc it does have some syntax differences that are worth reviewing

Note that Asciidoctor automatically generates links for text that looks like an email address or a web address.
Also, it can have problems with URLs that contain certain special characters.
In such cases, the URL should be prefixed and suffixed with ‘++’.
For example:

Groovy Templates

The site templates are written in groovy scripts.
Even though the files end with .gsp they are not GSP files and do not have access to tag libraries.
You can run custom code in them, similar to what is done in homepage.gsp and projectspage.gsp.

Clutch data files

In addition to the clutch pages several data files are provided: