It's a vue SPA wechat webapp
🤞Vue2.0x 全家桶微信项目🤞
├── build # webpack编译配置
├── config # webpack配置
├── http # 接口配置
├── wx.config # 微信配置
├── theme.less # VUX主题颜色配置
├── dist # 打包后文件
├── app.vue # 入口页面
├── main.js # 入口JS
├── store.js # store
├── index.html # html模版
├── components # 公用的组件
├── src # 开发目录
├── features # 功能模块
├── fertilizer # 测土配肥
├── modules # 数据业务
├── pages # 页面
├── login # 登陆注册
├── user # 个人
├── order # 订单
├── record # 测土配肥记录
├── personal # 个性化配肥
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build