Pomodoro Technique
This is a vim-airline extension for an easy application of the Pomodoro Technique.
If you want to change the working time:
let g:tomato#interval = 60 * 60
If you wat to change rest time:
let g:tomato#rest_time = 20 * 60
If you want to change language(English or Chinese):
let g:tomato#lang = ‘chinese’
If you want to change working text:
let g:tomato#remind = “☻” (“ \uf003 “ if you are using awesome-terminal-fonts)
If you want to change rest text:
let g:tomato#restinfo = “☺” (“ \ue1f1 “ if you are using awesome-terminal-fonts)
If you want to enable clock:
let g:tomato#show_clock = 1
If you want to show a count down:
let g:tomato#show_clock = 1
let g:tomato#show_count_down = 1
manually reset
:call tomato#reset()
set auto reset when number over a value
let g:tomato#auto_reset_num = 24 (here put the number you wanna set)
if the g:tomato#auto_reset_num = -1, then the auto reset will be forbidden
if there is no g:tomato#auto_reset_num in your config, the default auto_reset_num is 24 * 60 / g:tomato#interval, the total tomato numbers of one day.
Gabriele Lana gabriele.lana@gmail.com (for providing awesome fonts)
hellolj (for README gramma check)
CodeFalling (for providing functions clock and countdown)