项目作者: copperspice

项目描述 :
GUI application for DoxyPress
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/copperspice/doxypressapp.git
创建时间: 2016-01-11T01:07:07Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0




DoxyPress is a modern C++ application for generating documentation from annotated sources and API documentation.
DoxyPressApp is a GUI application used to configure the JSON project file and run DoxyPress.

DoxyPress and DoxyPressApp were initially derived from Doxygen and DoxyWizard.

Major Enhancements


  • User selection for full parsing of C and C++ with clang in lieu of the legacy lex parser
  • Clang parser allows complicated modern C++ to be parsed accurately, especially as C++ is updated
  • Added a new parser for makefiles*

Classes and Containers

  • DoxyPress links with the CopperSpice libraries
  • Removed all obsolete classes and containers
  • Refactored to use value based containers instead of pointer based containers
  • For improved memory management variadic templates and shared pointers are used
  • Source code reformatted for improved readability
  • Modified source code to use modern C++ functionality, features, and syntax


  • Project file format enhanced to use a JSON format for improved functionality
  • Command line option to convert Doxygen project files to the DoxyPress format
  • Enhanced layout file to include new sections
  • Improved html output for correctness

Binary Files

DoxyPressApp prebuilt binaries are available for all supported platforms.


CopperSpice prebuilt binaries are available for all supported platforms.


System Requirements

Building DoxyPressApp requires a C++20 compiler and a C++20 standard library. You will also need a current copy
of the CopperSpice libraries. DoxyPressApp links with CsCore, CsGui, CsNetwork, and CsXml.

CMake build files are provided with the source distribution to build this application.


Full documentation for DoxyPress is available on the website or from our download page.

URL Description
https://www.copperspice.com/docs/doxypress/index.html Online
https://download.copperspice.com/doxypress/documentation Download (tar and zip formats)

For documentation on how to build the DoxyPress application refer to the following page:



Our YouTube channel contains over 75 videos about C++, programming fundamentals, Unicode/Strings, multithreading,
graphics, CopperSpice, DoxyPress, and other software development topics.


Links to additional videos can be found on our website.


Authors / Contributors

  • Ansel Sermersheim
  • Barbara Geller
  • Andrew Marlow
  • Adam Mensel
  • Tim van Deurzen


This program is released under the GPL 2 license. For more information refer to the LICENSE file provided with this
