项目作者: bestit

项目描述 :
Feature flags on steroids!
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/bestit/flagception-bundle.git
创建时间: 2017-07-06T18:15:29Z

开源协议:MIT License



Feature toggle bundle on steroids! Flagception is a simple and powerful feature toggle system for php.
This bundle integrates the Flagception PHP Libary for symfony 2.7 to 5. (and php 5.6 to php7.).

Latest Stable Version
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Bundle Version (Tag) Support Symfony Branch
<=3 2.7 - 4.4 3.x
>=4 4.4 - current master
  1. $ composer require flagception/flagception-bundle


Quick example

Set some feature in your config (or use your own activator for fetching features from wherever you want) …

  1. flagception:
  2. # Your Features (optional you left it empty)
  3. features:
  4. # Feature name as key
  5. feature_123:
  6. # Default flag if inactive or active (default: false)
  7. default: true
  8. # Feature state from an environment variable
  9. feature_abc:
  10. env: FEATURE_ENV_ABC
  11. # Feature with constraint (active if user id is 12 OR it is between 8 am and 6 pm)
  12. feature_def:
  13. constraint: 'user_id == 12 or (date("H") > 8 and date("H") < 18)'
  14. # All togther (chain)
  15. feature_def:
  16. default: false
  17. env: FEATURE_ENV_ABC
  18. constraint: 'user_id == 12 or (date("H") > 8 and date("H") < 18)'

… and use it in controller, services or twig:

  1. {% if feature('feature_123') %}
  2. {# Execute if feature is active ... #}
  3. {% endif %}

See usage documentation for detailed examples.


This bundle ships a profiler tab, where you can see how often a feature was requested, which results it returns (active or inactive) and
the given context.

Image of Profiler


Profiler icon from https://github.com/ionic-team/ionicons