项目作者: AnshumanFauzdar
项目描述 :
Hackjaipur Hackathon Submission | Jugaad | First Hackathon!
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/AnshumanFauzdar/CORONA-DASHBOARD.git
CORONA DASHBOARD - HackJaipur Submission

- ESP8266 based microcontroller
- BMP280 Sensor Breakout
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
More things can be added but during this lockdown scenario only these items are avaialable!
Change your wifi credentials

Change your covid data API, for full information click here

You can change login credentials to the webpage!
// Web Server HTTP Authentication credentials
const char* http_username = "admin";
const char* http_password = "admin";
BMP is connected to D1 and D2
LED is connected to pin D3
Ultrasonic Sensor is connected to D6 and D7
How this can help you?
- Are you in a meeting and your family folks bump into you?
- You can set indicator LED and tell them to look for it!
- Do you want to assure ambient temperature in your room?
- This will assure that you maintain temperature which helps to avoid corona
- Do you repeatedly check total cases by visiting websites?
- You can rapidly look all data in one place!
- You want to maintain social distancing?
- Ultrasonic sensor helps to make sure that you are maintaing right distance!
HackJaipur inspired us to make this jugaad! and this is our first hackathon!