项目作者: AnshumanFauzdar

项目描述 :
Hackjaipur Hackathon Submission | Jugaad | First Hackathon!
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/AnshumanFauzdar/CORONA-DASHBOARD.git
创建时间: 2020-06-21T05:52:51Z



CORONA DASHBOARD - HackJaipur Submission



  • ESP8266 based microcontroller
    • Wemos D1 mini
  • BMP280 Sensor Breakout
  • LED
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

More things can be added but during this lockdown scenario only these items are avaialable!


  • Arduino IDE

Change your wifi credentials

Change your covid data API, for full information click here

You can change login credentials to the webpage!

  1. // Web Server HTTP Authentication credentials
  2. const char* http_username = "admin";
  3. const char* http_password = "admin";

BMP is connected to D1 and D2

LED is connected to pin D3

Ultrasonic Sensor is connected to D6 and D7

How this can help you?

  • Are you in a meeting and your family folks bump into you?
    • You can set indicator LED and tell them to look for it!
  • Do you want to assure ambient temperature in your room?
    • This will assure that you maintain temperature which helps to avoid corona
  • Do you repeatedly check total cases by visiting websites?
    • You can rapidly look all data in one place!
  • You want to maintain social distancing?
    • Ultrasonic sensor helps to make sure that you are maintaing right distance!

HackJaipur inspired us to make this jugaad! and this is our first hackathon!