Echo Documentation.
Link | Information |
Echo Commands | Echo Commands Page |
Echo ARS | Echo ARS Page |
Echo Intralink | Echo Intralink Page |
Echo Youtube Channel | Youtube Help Videos |
Echo R.P.G Game | An R.P.G Text based game coded with Echo! |
A.R.S Builder | Coming back soon! |
Is all of this too much? Just want the commands you see below with ease?
We have a few files with some preset commands! All you have to do is..
Step 1: Download one of the snippet files you want in Easy Scripts Folder
Step 2: Drag the file(s) you want into a channel Echo has permissions to read messages in.
If all went well, you will see the new commands listed under the file you uploaded.
And available for you to use!
The Intralink takes the ARS to a whole new level.
Here’s a short description (But visit the site in our Table of References above)
The Intralink is a way to share an ARS file on any server or in Echo’s DM with a unique Address
Almost like the internet. Except with the Intralink addresses look like ars://Intralink
A few live links (ars://Servers
, ars://DragonWars
, ars://economy
Connect to an Address Via Echo DM: Just DM the address to echo (You will see a topic when it works)
Connect an Address to a channel in your server: Type: .lockprofile ars://AddressHere you will see a topic when it works
Connect to a password protected address Type: ars://AddressHere:PasswordHere
You can register up to 10 Addresses at a time and you can password protect them.
Want more information? And all the commands? Echo Intralink
Link | Information |
A.R.S Etiquette | Learn how to properly format your A.R.S! |
Discord Events | Learn how to link Echo to your Discord Events! |
A.R.S Profiles | Learn how to have multiple A.R.S DB’s |
Echo 4 Devs | Learn how to send your guild info to your websites! |
Regex Triggers | Learn how to use Pure Regex with Echo! |
Using If Statements | Learn how to use If Statements with Echo. |
A.R.S Profile locking | Learn how to lock A.R.S Profiles to channels. |
A.R.S Error Reporting | Learn how to reveal A.R.S Errors |
A.R.S Functions | Learn how to simplify your A.R.S With Functions! |
Dynamic Statements | More simple and dynamic statements! |
Global Variables | Learn how to make your A.R.S more Simple with Variables! |
You can grab a channels id by typing .channelid
in the channel.
Or enabling Developer Mode
in your Discord User Settings Panel
Here are some examples to help you along.
You can use the {params} key in the trigger to catch their text!
.auto &.giveme {params}={init}
{/user} You're not the owner
You've assumed the role {params}
The example above requires
you to have the role Owner
and will give you
whatever role you type (As long as the role exists) for example: .giveme Staff
If you want to use regex you add the & key before the word Example &word={init}The Response here!
Ok, now let’s look at the Response section and all the keys you can use!
Keys are surrounded by obraces. {key}
Echo will replace these keys with data!
Here’s tons of examples:
You can view the list of A.R.S Keys at Echo’s Website!
You can view the [Public A.R.S Library](} Click Tools->A.R.S.
Steps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto &.sayhi {params}={init}Your Message: {params} |
Use Command: | .sayhi hey guys! |
.auto &{:}(\n)={init}
{del}Whoa {/user}.. Not in here
} (else) {
First you need to replace YOUR-CHANNEL-ID
with whatever channel you want to prevent multi-line chat.
Basically what this does is. If Echo senses any multi-line (where they hit shift+enter)
He will remove their message and display a message letting them know.
Notice This doesn’t remove long messages in a single line. Only if they hit (shift+enter)
You can also make the A.R.S. print out an entire embed.
An example of an embed containing all its options:
//Insert the title here
//This is always rich as discord does not have any other types
//Insert the author name (={user}) here
//This can be used to display a little picture next to the author name
//Insert a colour here (HEX-colors only)
//Inserts a small picture in the top right of the embed, can be replaced with {usericon} or related
//Your entire description goes here, again {user}, {/user} and related can be used
//An icon url goes here ({usericon} or related can also be used) This icon will be displayed at the bottom of the embed
//Text that should go alongside the {footer|icon:} goes here
Alright let’s make a “Server Info” command!
We will be using an embed in this example.
in your server type this exactly:
.auto .server={init}
{title:Information for {guild|name}}
× ID: {guild|id}
× Region: {guild|region}
× OwnerID: {owner|id}
× Discord Icon: [Click to view Guild Icon]({guild|icon})
× Members: {membercount}
× Channels: {channelcount}
× Roles: {rolecount}
{footer|text: Echo 2.0 A.R.S}
Now when you type .server
Echo will display the server information.
You can set it up to list all the channels, roles & the server prefix. all that stuff!
.auto .whoami={init}
{title:User Information for {guild|name}}
Bot Master: *{ismaster}*
Discord Icon: [Click here for Icon]({usericon})
Discord ID: *{rawid}*
Roles: *{listroles}*
{footer|text: Echo 2.0 A.R.S}
now just type .whoami
.auto .echo={init}
{field[0]|value:[Echo Official Website]( "The Official website for Echo 2.0")}
{field[1]|name:Echo Help}
{field[1]|value:[Echo Documentation]( "Learn how to use Echo A.R.S Through some Examples.")}
{field[2]|name:PHP Webhooks}
{field[2]|value:[Github Page!]( "Use discord webhooks with ease using DiscordPHP-Webhooks")}
{footer|text:Requested by: {/user}.}
now just type .echo
You are allowed 10 fields. field[0]
through field[9]
For now we’ve added a lazy way to use multiple
However it’s only limited to two{randlist}
this will change to allow for multiple randlists, here is an example
.auto .gift={init}
{title:Something Something Darkside..}
This should be a response,
Along with this!,
and now some more,
Two Step, One Jump!,
Live long!
{footer|text: Echo 2.0 A.R.S}
Now when you type
you will get random responses.
the more responses, the better!
If statements are used to determine wether or not a requirement is met and they are a very powerful tool for all coders, Echo has an IF statement system as well! There are multiple types, lets sum them up shall we?
An if statement must contain three things, an “if-parameter”, an “if-success-case” and an “if-fail-case”. The if-parameter defines what will be checked, this depends on what type of if statement is being used. the if-success-case is basically a simple output that will be executed when the if statement succeeds, if it fails, the if-fail-case will be executed instead. You can use the {stop} key to make it do nothing.
An example:
.auto .test={init}
} (else) {
NOTE: If you want to use multiple if-parameters you must divide all parameters with |
Example: use | param1 | param2 | param3
When using this type of if statement, the success case will be executed only when the statement is executed from one of the set channel ID’s (You can obtain the channel id by typing: .channelid
). The type is named ischannel
An example:
.auto .test={init}
The command was executed in one of the set channels
} (else) {
The command was not executed in one of the set channels
To use this you need to set one or multiple user ID’s (obtained via right-clicking the user, then selecting “Copy ID”), the success case is executed when the user is one of the set users, otherwise the fail case is executed. Its name: isuser
An example:
.auto .test={init}
You are one of the set users
} (else) {
You are not one of the set users
The success case is executed if the user has one of the roles that match the set roles, to set roles you must use role names. This is casesensitive. The name: hasrole
An example:
.auto .test={init}
You have one of the set roles!
} (else) {
You don't have one of the set roles!
There are a few more if types, you can find those here
There is a Rate Limiter Governing the A.R.S, So when someone spams fuck
echo takes time to catch up.
So Only use the below example if you really need to. Otherwise just use Echo’s WordFilter
Steps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto &fuck={init}{del}{pm}{kick}You've been kicked for swearing. |
If Typed | The message gets deleted and echo will send a pm of the above message. |
Steps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto &<@YOURIDHERE>={init}{alert:YOURIDHERE}I have alerted Proxy! |
If Typed | Echo will private message you and let the user know. You can get your id with .getid @User |
COMMAND:Steps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto &.grabid {params}={init}{rawid}The user's ID: {params} |
Use Command | .grabdid @User |
{rawid} is required along with {params} to display another users ID.
or .jokes
commandThese commands were taken offline when our site went down
We will be working on a new version of both keys eventuall.
command in your server.Steps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto &.giphy {params}={init}{giphy} |
Use Command | .giphy keyword here |
({giphy} Does not require {params}
key in the response like most keys.)
Just make sure you’ve placed the {params}
key in the trigger as shown above!
command in your server.
.auto &.giveme {params}={init}
You've assumed the role **{params}**
Important: Make sure you add a req
or exc
key when dealing with the above.
want everyone to have have access to this command.
Steps | You Type |
Use Command | .giveme Role Name |
and .ass
commandsSteps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto .ass={init}{ass} |
Use Command | .ass |
Steps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto .boobs={init}{boobs} |
Use Command | .boobs |
Steps | You Type |
Make Command | .auto &.announce {params}={init}{redirect:CHANNELID}**ANNOUNCEMENT:** *{params}* |
Use Command | .announce What's up! |