Encryption based File system ( based on ext2 hierarchical file system with inode as meta-data)
Encryption based File system
Block size of disk : 4096-byte (4 KiB) (which are used by Newer HDDs)
Data Structures:
Attributes of superblock:
Size of disk
Information of Inode blocks ( total number of inodeblocks , etc..)
Information of bitmap blocks ( starting of bit map blocks , etc.. )
Total Size of Superblock: 28 bytes
Location in source code:superblock.c
Attributes of inodes:
Metadata (contains information of filetype, etc.. )
Blockdata (direct blocks ,indirect blocks , etc..)
And other information containing flag like is Allocated.
Total Size of Inode : 72 bytes
Maximum Number of inodes in per block : 50 inodes per block
Location in source code: inode.c and inode.h
Attributes of File_entry:
File name
Inode number
Total size of File_entry : 32 bytes [ 28 bytes of file-name + 4 bytes of inode number ].
Maximum number of File_entry in each block : 128
Location in source code:filesystem.c
Union block_rw:
Attributes of block_rw:
Char array of size 4096 bytes
Super block
Array of inode block
Array of file entries
Size of block_rw : Block size of disk ( 4096 bytes)
Location in source code:filesystem.c
Disk can not be read and write single bit and byte.We have to read and write in terms of block size of disk.That’s why we
used Union block_rw for reading and writing data into disk.